去除PCR冗余在fastq水平: FastUniq ref官网:FastUniq download | SourceForge.net 使用: 建议先trim,然后在来用这个软件来去除du...
有一个师兄告诉我,bowtie2比对长度相对bwa mem是要更长的,所以某种程度上来说bowtie2是比mem更严格一种比对方法。不知是不是有道理的。
请问如果想要完全比对的序列,部分比对上的不算,应该怎样设置bwa mem参数呢
BWA使用详解一、简介 BWA,即Burrows-Wheeler-Alignment Tool。BWA 是一种能够将差异度较小的序列比对到一个较大的参考基因组上的软件包。它由三个不同的算法...
@Biofantasy 应该是read1和read2标反了,因为根据bam文件的flag值可以看出来,163 应该是 read paired, read mapped in proper pair,second in pair的结果,所以应该是read2 实际是read1,read1实际是read2
./chlorop test/test1.fsa
open: can't stat file
apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.26695/infile.how
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
open: can't stat file
apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.26695/infile.how
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
open: can't stat file
apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.26695/infile.how
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
open: can't stat file
apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.26695/infile.how
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
open: can't stat file
apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.26695/infile.how
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
### chlorop v1.1 prediction results ###########################
Number of query sequences: 1
Name Length Score cTP CS- cTP-
score length
paste: tmp/res.26695/name_file.26695: No such file or directory
chloroP linux使用ChloroP - 1.1 (DISCONTINUED) - Services - DTU Health Tech[https://services.healthtech.d...
一直认为bwa和bowtie2比对差异比较大,比对一组数据时均使用默认参数如下BWA Bowtie2 看下bowtie2的比对结果 比对率为15.2%~52.4%,除去未比对...
chloroP linux使用ChloroP - 1.1 (DISCONTINUED) - Services - DTU Health Tech[https://services.healthtech.d...
二代群体遗传与重测序(上)上已完结,中见https://www.jianshu.com/p/0147afc3334c[https://www.jianshu.com/p/0147afc3334c] 零...
1. conda安装环境报错:Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. 方案1:首先,把你安装的anaco...
请问 如何用Linux下载primer3Linux系统用misa+primer3查找SSR位点批量设计引物最后一步在Linux中找不到primer3 但是conda install primer3 显示所有已下载完...
1 Bedtools:一个强大的基因组算法工具集 Bedtools是由犹他大学昆兰实验室开发的基因组算法工具集,它堪称是基因组分析工具中的瑞士军刀。Bedtools可以对基因...