【Vocabulary】 Listen to the audio and click the right picture: 1. Weddings are where two...

【Vocabulary】 Listen to the audio and click the right picture: 1. Weddings are where two...
Test 1 Listen to the sentence and repeat after it 1. She's sleeping because she's tired...
Listening-----Lisa's Cold Last night Lisa came home later than usual. It was raining an...
Listening-----Yesterday's Schedule Dan is a pilot. He flies airplanes to all parts of t...
Listening-----Bus Schedule Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop. It has the schedule fo...
哈喽,大家好!我又来简书更新了。 我停更的半个月里,小可爱们有没有坚持学懂你呢? 从我笔记下方最近的评论和点赞数看得出, 还是有不少小伙伴在“学懂你”这条路上越走越远了, 慕...