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    1.Stack组件的 overflow 属性被废弃,需改为使用 clipBehavior 属性 原有属性报错截图: 解决方案: 2.原有flutter package里面的F...

  • .livp文件转成图片文件

    .livp 文件是苹果的一种图片文件,里边包括一张.HEIC图片和一个1.5秒的.mov短视频。如何将.livp文件转成图片?第一步:将.livp文件重命名,后缀改为.zip...

  • 120


  • 为什么我从GitHub下载下来的ios-deploy-1.11.4文件夹中没有Products文件夹?
    2021-12-08 14:23:35.320086+0800 ios-deploy[43475:4454094] Usage: /Users/jz/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ios-deploy-bmxvmohelpgjnbfjzqywqxgqsoyt/Build/Products/Debug/ios-deploy [OPTION]...
    -d, --debug launch the app in lldb after installation
    -i, --id <device_id> the id of the device to connect to
    -c, --detect only detect if the device is connected
    -b, --bundle <bundle.app> the path to the app bundle to be installed
    -a, --args <args> command line arguments to pass to the app when launching it
    -s, --envs <envs> environment variables, space separated key-value pairs, to pass to the app when launching it
    -t, --timeout <timeout> number of seconds to wait for a device to be connected
    -u, --unbuffered don't buffer stdout
    -n, --nostart do not start the app when debugging
    -N, --nolldb start debugserver only. do not run lldb. Can not be used with args or envs options
    -I, --noninteractive start in non interactive mode (quit whe
    2021-12-08 14:23:35.321022+0800 ios-deploy[43475:4454094] [ !! ] One of -[b|c|o|l|w|D|R|X|e|B|C|9] is required to proceed!
    Program ended with exit code: 253

    我的Xcode是13.1 最新版

    Flutter在iOS上运行报错:Your Xcode version may be too old for your ios version解决方案

    由于开发Flutter一直在安卓上运行,很久没运行过iOS了,最近要适配iOS Pad界面所以运行到真机试了下,结果一运行发现报错Your Xcode version may...

  • 为什么我从GitHub下载下来的ios-deploy-1.11.4文件夹中没有Products文件夹?
    2021-12-08 14:23:35.320086+0800 ios-deploy[43475:4454094] Usage: /Users/jz/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ios-deploy-bmxvmohelpgjnbfjzqywqxgqsoyt/Build/Products/Debug/ios-deploy [OPTION]...
    -d, --debug launch the app in lldb after installation
    -i, --id <device_id> the id of the device to connect to
    -c, --detect only detect if the device is connected
    -b, --bundle <bundle.app> the path to the app bundle to be installed
    -a, --args <args> command line arguments to pass to the app when launching it
    -s, --envs <envs> environment variables, space separated key-value pairs, to pass to the app when launching it
    -t, --timeout <timeout> number of seconds to wait for a device to be connected
    -u, --unbuffered don't buffer stdout
    -n, --nostart do not start the app when debugging
    -N, --nolldb start debugserver only. do not run lldb. Can not be used with args or envs options
    -I, --noninteractive start in non interactive mode (quit whe
    2021-12-08 14:23:35.321022+0800 ios-deploy[43475:4454094] [ !! ] One of -[b|c|o|l|w|D|R|X|e|B|C|9] is required to proceed!
    Program ended with exit code: 253

    我的Xcode是13.1 最新版

    Flutter_异常_Your Xcode version may be too old for your ios version

    初看这个问题提示语,感觉只要升级XCode就可以了,但是发现XCode已经是最新版本了,非常纳闷! 在XCode12 和 iOS14系统的情况下才会出现。折腾了许久,在git...

  • flutter 下拉筛选组件

    效果图 网页版(第一次打开网址加载会很慢)网页版[https://static-9c90a346-a637-412d-a912-91f436cc043c.bspapp.com...

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    Flutter 清除应用缓存

    清除应用缓存是 APP 常用的功能之一。清除缓一般只有 2 个操作: 获取缓存大小 清除缓存数据 本文通过实现一个缓存管理类,来操作应用缓存。 定义缓存管理类 缓存管理类,是...

  • Flutter Router路由封装

    1、Flutter Router路由封装 1.1 在 pubspec.yaml 中加入下面代码,并获取该依赖包 1.2 在 lib 文件夹下新建一个 router 文件夹,并...

  • flutter_webview_plugin 与dart页面跳转使用

    使用flutter_webview_plugin 加载一个H5页面,是从dart页面中跳转h5页面,h5页面中可返回dart页面,也可跳转到其他dart页面。经测试,在And...

  • pub.dev 网站搜

    Flutter - 实现多图选择,相机拍照功能

    demo 地址: https://github.com/iotjin/jh_flutter_demo 使用版本 包地址 photo packages地址 image_p...

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    Flutter 获取高德地图安卓SHA1的简单方法


  • flutter build ios 时报错

    今天新建的Flutter项目打包iOS版本 flutter build ios 时,Cocoapods报错: [!] CocoaPods could not find com...