Task<string> 释义:It defines a task that returns a string in the future. Task.Run<string>...

Task<string> 释义:It defines a task that returns a string in the future. Task.Run<string>...
Enumerable.Range(int start , int count) 生成指定范围内的整数序列(集合)例: yield 用法解释:yield是C#为了简化遍历操作实...
Sets 元素不重复 HashSet<T>和SortedSet<T> 1)both implement the interface ISet<T> 实现接口2)HashSet...
one value per key 一键一值 SortedList<TKey, TValue> multiple values per key 一键多值 Lookup<TKe...
ArrayList (1)一种非泛型的listArrayList is a non-generic list that accepts any Object type for...
意义解释:一个委托包含多个方法 A delegate that wraps more than one method is known as a multicast del...
coding: BubbleSorter.cs: 注:1)指向一个方法The comparison must refer to a method that takes two...
Coding: MathOperations.cs: Main.cs: Result: (1)an array of delegates委托数组:In this code, ...
Little example: Using Span<T>, you can directly access array elements. The elements of ...
不同的对象,比较内容的相等性 Person.cs Main.cs Result
GameMoves.cs Main.cs Result
MusicTitles.cs Main.cs Result
小例子(一) coding:初始化int[][] jagged = new int[3][];jagged[0] = new int[2] { 1, 2 };jagged[1...
Currency.cs Main.cs Tips (1)尽量不损失精度的高级用法:Convert.ToUInt16The System.Convert object cont...
Person.cs PersonCollection.cs 代码解析: (1)index 数组下标For allowing indexer-syntax to be used...
Reference Equals 是否指向类的同一个实例 (1)介绍:ReferenceEquals is a static method that tests wheth...
(1)概念:Boxing and its counterpart, unboxing, enable you to convert value types to refere...
BigInteger BigInteger is a struct that contains a number of any size. You can initializ...