练习材料: [Day 1872 2019-11-11] Lesson32Shopping madeeasy Peoplearenotsohonest astheyoncewe...
练习材料: [Day 1872 2019-11-11] Lesson32Shopping madeeasy Peoplearenotsohonest astheyoncewe...
练习材料: Lesson22A glassenvelope My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter fr...
练习材料: Lesson20 One man in a boat Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours ...
练习材料: Lesson16A politerequest If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic police...
练习材料: Lesson15Goodnews ThesecretarytoldmethatMr.Harmsworthwouldseeme.Ifeltverynervouswh...
练习材料: Lesson14Do you speak English? I had an amusing experience last year.After I had l...
练习材料: Lesson12Goodbye and goodluck Ourneighbor,CaptainCharlesAlison,willsailfromPortsmo...
练习材料: Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another First listen and than answer the questio...
练习材料: Lesson10Not forjazz We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord(...
Lesson9A cold welcome OnWednesday evening,wewenttotheTownHall.It wasthelastdayoftheyear...
练习材料:Lesson8The best and theworst Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town...
练习材料: Lesson7Too late The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all...
练习材料: Lesson5No wrong numbers Mr.JamesScotthasagarageinSilburyandnowhehasjustboughtanot...
练习材料: Lesson 4 An exciting trip I have just receiveda letter from my brother, Tim. He ...
哪吒票房赶超《复仇者联盟4》。 谁都没想到,这个暑假档的票房黑马,居然是一部中国动漫。 口碑票房持续发酵,哪吒下个月将走出国门,在北美上映。 负责任地说,《哪吒之魔童降世》正...
昨天广州大雨,Sir被困在商场出不去。 百无聊赖间,被一个名字吸引进了电影院。 她曾惊艳一时,随即“失踪”多年。 都说中年女演员戏不好找,她偏现在出现。 但Sir一点不奇怪。...
3月份的院线,电影排得满满当当。漫威《惊奇队长》领队,奥斯卡获奖电影《绿皮书》《波西米亚狂想曲》加塞,穿插着优秀华语力作《地久天长》《过春天》,真的是热闹非凡。 就算这样,有...
今天,Sir想开门见山。 先说三个故事。 属于三个人。 一,安。 国外漂了8年,安终于肯回家了。 8月5日这天,她把老弟扯上阳台,非要给他拍照。 看得出,虽然大了,老弟还是听...