MySQL官网下载MySQL Community并安装 打开终端,输入 敲下回车,输入 重新启动终端,输入mysql -u root -p和密码后即可登陆MySQL 参考:h...
MySQL官网下载MySQL Community并安装 打开终端,输入 敲下回车,输入 重新启动终端,输入mysql -u root -p和密码后即可登陆MySQL 参考:h...
一. 写这篇文章的原因 之前我有听说过Google Docs,但是在国内用这个不是特别方便。现在我在温哥华留学以后,用Google的服务都是很方便了,像这篇我就是用Googl...
An old joke observes(说) that everyone wants to live forever, but no one wants to be old...
Your body requires a continuous supply of energy just to stay alive - to keep the heart...
If you have ever stopped of a long-haul flight or worked night shifts(换班制), you probabl...
July.31, 2017 Global News A virtual kidnapping(绑架) scam(骗局) targeting female Chinese st...
Summer was dead, but autumn had not yet been born when the ibis(朱鹭) came to thebleeding...
背景资料 Fitzgerald is considered one of the greatest American writers in history Often ref...
鬼知道我是为什么开始打算学mysql的; 0基础果然是步步维艰,没想到连安装都虐我千百遍; 个中崩溃就不细说了,一点点问题都需要花好长时间才找到攻克的方法,我怎么好意思说😓 ...
The long June twilight(黄昏) faded into night. Dublin lay enveloped(包围) in darkness but f...
1.暴力破解法(超出时间限制) 2. 双指针法 最初我们考虑由最外围两条线段构成的区域。现在,为了使面积最大化,我们需要考虑更长的两条线段之间的区域。如果我们试图将指向较长线...