可能是独立太久,生活中很少会去关心父母。 最近17岁少年和母亲吵架后跳桥的视频,让我感慨良多,特别难过。 从小,总觉得爸妈都是急性子,我做错了什么,他们会马上骂我,甚至动手,...
可能是独立太久,生活中很少会去关心父母。 最近17岁少年和母亲吵架后跳桥的视频,让我感慨良多,特别难过。 从小,总觉得爸妈都是急性子,我做错了什么,他们会马上骂我,甚至动手,...
After the story,everybody got different thought,and guessed who they were in the story....
After the story,everybody decided to talk about the story what they got from,and everyb...
Finally,Haw won his fears in his heart entirely,and really was aware of the meaning of ...
Cheese6 mainly described the changes in haw's thoughts during he looked for the cheeses...
Life moves on.Some face and other avoid or immobilize.People who choose to face,maybe s...
When something happens,people always like to find the cause of condition changing,in or...
Last class I just thought “The story after story” mean that author depicted the humanit...