240 发简信
  • 多校第二场 Swaps and Inversions

    题目描述:Long long ago, there was an integer sequence a.Tonyfang think this sequence is mes...

  • XOR Sorting 题解

    题目描述:Given a sequence a[1..n], you need to calculate how many integers S satisfy the fo...

  • Galactic Collegiate Programming Contest 题解

    题目描述:One hundred years from now, in 2117, the International Collegiate Programming Cont...

  • 120

    中央处理器知识体系结构 会持续更新,补充。 控制器的功能 取指令 发出指令地址,取出指令的内容。 分析指令 (1)对操作码译码产生操作相应部件的操作控制命令。 (2)根据寻址...