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  • 是方言 是那种扁扁的语言 对比英语 韩语说唱 就觉得四川话说唱一下子就一样一样的


    对不起,还是控制不住体内的黑怕之力了。 至少一周前就该扯一下中国有有嘻哈的——当然,我现在也没有机会跟你们科普啥子尾字押韵(单压双压三字压)、分词押韵、换字压、夹韵压了,反正...

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    对不起,还是控制不住体内的黑怕之力了。 至少一周前就该扯一下中国有有嘻哈的——当然,我现在也没有机会跟你们科普啥子尾字押韵(单压双压三字压)、分词押韵、换字压、夹韵压了,反正...

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    “他叫白惠泽,他原来是青年志的文化研究员,人称青年文化首席皮条官。”“他叫李东哲,原来是城市画报记者编辑,title太多了我就不浪费时间了。” 这段诡异的对话已经在房间里重复...

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  • Comes true最后一句

    My Little Diary

    It's National Day and I have seven-day vacation. On Oct.1st, Dengyu came to my school a...

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    My Little Diary

    It's National Day and I have seven-day vacation. On Oct.1st, Dengyu came to my school a...

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    My Little Diary

    Just now, I wechated with Dengyu, my claasmate in jufe, who has worked in a company for...

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    My Little Diary

    Today, I have taken some classes and courses, including reading-writing-interpretation ...

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    My Littel Diary

    Actually I have a lot of things to do! Every night, I list the tomorrow's plan and sche...

  • My Little Diary

    A little bit tired~~~ it's so hard to focus on one thing for long time. They call us dr...

  • My Little Diary

    It's monday. In the morning, I got up at 7:05 and prepared to go to the library for stu...

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    My Little Diary

    It' a shiny sunday. I start my studying plan. I want be better and to pursue my dreams....