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  • 摘抄《Why grow up?》

    [美] Susan Neiman.《Why grow up?》[M]. 上海:上海文艺出版社,2016 P5: 这些问题乍看起来不难,但很乏味。...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    (译)Two Minds (Sara Teasdale)

    Two Minds Your mind and mine are such great lovers they Have freed thems...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    (译) August Night (Sara Teasdale)

    August Night On a midsummer night, on a night that was eerie with stars,...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Ivan or Ivan Turgenev

    有次,认识不久,我问Ivan,你的名字你是念/aiven/,还是/ifen/?他说,在一次旅行中别人唤他Ivan,那个人念/ifen/。 然后,...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    (译) On the sunsex Downs (Sara Teasdale)

    On the Sussex Downs Over the downs there were birds flying, Far off glit...

  • (译) Debt (Sara Teasdale)

    Debt What do I owe to you Who loved me deep and long? You never gave my ...

  • (译)Four Winds (Sara Teasdale)

    Four Winds "Four winds blowing thro' the sky, You have seen poor maidens...