“I'm driving clouds to go home. I will arrive Xu zhou soon.” I made a phone call with m...
“I'm driving clouds to go home. I will arrive Xu zhou soon.” I made a phone call with m...
When we got this question, most of the students thought that three things were used to ...
Someone I admire the most When I wrote down the subject, the first person I thought was...
这里是临潭,今天不说潭,只看山 先来段正式性的介绍: 临潭县隶属甘南藏族自治州,古称洮州,位于甘肃省南部,甘南藏族自治州东部,地处青藏高原东北边缘,是农区与牧区、藏区与汉区的...
如果看完一场关于战争的电影,它没让你感受到对这场灾难的恐惧,这就肯定不是一部好电影。 好的战争片,不只产生敬畏,更能令你恐惧。对英雄生出的不是敬仰,而是悲悯;也只有到这时你才...