240 发简信
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    对于春晚,我记忆深刻的是,高考那年,我看了还记了笔记。整理好还背了些,用在了高考政治的问答题上。 选择题错了两三个,总分还是不错,看春晚记的一些有帮助。(PS:高考文综是班上...

  • The Missing Piece Meets the Big O 破镜重圆
    The missing piece sat alone... 纵我不往
    waiting for someone 茕茕孑立
    to come along 子宁不来
    and take it somewhere. 使我周全

    Some fit... 伊人相配
    but could not roll. 门户无对
    Other could roll 尔尔登对
    but did not fit. 貌合神离

    One didn't know a thing about fitting. 或倨傲鲜面
    And another 或
    didn't know a thing 一窍
    about anything. 不通

    One was too delicate. 或不经一试
    (POP!) 便飘摇打萍

    One put it on a pedestal... 变故人心
    and left it there. 相思两地

    Some had too many pieces missing. 遥想昔年种柳
    Some had too many pieces, period. 成舟侧畔
    It learned to hide from the hungry ones. 今日之失为后日之得

    More came. Some looked too closely. 亲极反疏
    Others rolled right by without noticing. 流水无情

    It tried to make itself 鼓琴泰山
    more attractive... 洋洋江河
    it didn't help. 嗟乎
    It tried being flashy 曲高和寡
    but that just frightened此世不存知己
    away the shy ones.

    At last one came along 蓦然回首
    that fit just right. 灯火阑珊处 悠悠我心


    情意二字,可以瞬间绽放,可以辗转缠绵。 出自口中,是情话; 落于笔下,是情诗; 情话易逝。 因记忆善删减,善剪辑,加加减减,世异时移,面目全非; 情诗耐读。 少年爱青葱岁月,...

  • 2988真的不能买到一块挺不错的机械表

    Apple Watch 使用体验及购买建议

    从我上个月 28 号拿到 Apple Watch 算到现在也有一周的时间了。在这一周的时间里我只要是出门都会带着 Apple Watch,甚至有时候在宿舍或者家里也会带着,更...

  • 不动产

    这里有71%的白人,10%的印度后裔,5%非洲后裔,5%的加勒比海黑人,3%的混血人种,和大约1%的华人。 这里偶尔下雨,持续时间不长。年降水量为1100毫米左右。一般来说,...

虽不能独身于世 却无需刻意为人