240 投稿
收录了26篇文章 · 2人关注
  • Day30

    Europe is beginning to break up Facebook's business 欧洲开始打破Facebook的业务 Fa...

  • Day29

    WhatsApp is getting ready for the world's biggest election Whatsapp正在为世界...

  • Day28

    They saved migrants from deportation. Now they face life in jail deporta...

  • DaY 27

    Brexit is happening, with or without a deal 英国脱欧正在发生,不管有没有达成协议 As things...

  • Day 26

    Highlights from couture week: Missing Karl, memes and latex couture服装设计师...

  • Day 25

    Extreme weather is so bad in some parts of the country, even the US Post...

  • Day 23

    This hillside community is where President Nicolas Maduro has nurtured h...

  • Day 22

    Why a military spat between Japan and South Korea could snowball into cr...

  • Day 21

    It might just be a commercial -- Australian Lamb's annual advertisement ...

  • Day 20

    "It is always CBP's preference to acquire property through a voluntary, ...

