
英文 中文
Morty, you got to come on. Morty 来
You got to come with me. 跟我走一趟
What's going on? 咋回事儿
I got a surprise for you, morty. 我给你个惊喜
It's the middle of the night. What are you talking about? 可现在是半夜啊
I got a surprise for you. Come on, hurry up. 有惊喜 快来
- Ow! You're tugging me too hard.- I got a surprise for you, Morty. - 别拉得这么用劲儿啊- 给你个惊喜 Morty
What do you... what do you 你觉得
Think of this flying vehicle, Morty? 这飞船咋样啊 Morty
I built it out of stuff I found in the garage. 我拿车库里的东西造的
Yeah, Rick, it's 挺好的 Rick
It's great. 挺棒的
Is this the surprise? 惊喜就是这个吗
Morty, I had to I had to do I had to I had Morty 我必须必须必须
To I had to make a bomb, Morty. 必须得搞个炸弹 Mory
I had to create a bomb. 我造了个炸弹
What?! A bomb?! 啥 炸弹
We're gonna drop it down there just get a whole fresh start, Morty. 炸弹投下去 创造新天地
Create a whole fresh start. 新呀新天地
T-t-that's absolutely crazy! 这太疯了吧
Come on, Morty. 来嘛Morty
Just take it easy, Morty. 淡定点Morty
It's gonna be good. 会很赞的
Right now, we're gonna go pick up your little friend jessica. 现在咱去接你的小伙伴Jessica
Jessica Jessica?
From my math class? 我数学课上那个
When I drop the bomb, I don't, you know, I want you to 我扔炸弹下去的时候 我不想
Have somebody, you know 我想让你有人陪着
I want you to have the thing 我希望你能那啥
I'm gonna make it like a new adam and eve, and you're gonna be adam. 就和新世界的亚当与夏娃一样 你就是亚当
And jessica's gonna be eve, and so that's the surprise, Morty. Jessica就是夏娃 惊喜吧 Morty
No, you can't! 不行
J-jessica doesn't even know I exist. Jessica根本不认识我
But but but forget about that, because you can't blow up humanity. 先别管这个 你不能毁灭人类
I-I get what you're trying to say, M-Morty. 我知道你想说啥 Morty
Listen, I'm not you don't y-y-you don't got to worry about me 听着 我不 你不 你不用担心
trying to fool around with with jessica or mess around with jessica or anything. 我不会调戏Jessica 或者玩弄Jessica 之类的
I'm I'm not that kind of guy, Morty. 我不是那种人 Morty
What are you talking about, Rick? Rick 你在说什么
You you you don't 你你你不用
Have to worry about me getting 担心我会
With jessica or anything. 和Jessica搞上什么的
She she she she she's all for you, Morty. 她她她是你一个人的 Morty
I don't care about Jessica! Jessica不是重点
You know what, Morty? You're right. Morty 没错 你说得对
Let's forget the girl all together. 别管这妹子了
She she's probably nothing but trouble, anyways. 留下也是祸患
Arming neutrino bomb. 中微子炸弹装载中
That's it that's it, Rick. 够了
I'm taking the wheel. 方向盘给我
Get off of me, Morty! 闪开 Morty
I'm taking charge of this situation, buddy. 我不能让你这样
What's gotten into you? 你发啥疯
I'm I'm I'm i'm not gonna stand around like some sort of dumb... 我才不会在边上跟个傻
What are you, crazy? 你搞啥 疯了吗
... person and just let you blow up the whole world. 傻瓜一样让你把地球灭了
All right, all right. 好吧好吧
I'll I'll land. 我降落就是了
I'll land. I'll land. 我降落就是了
I'll land the thing. 这就降落好吧
I'll land the thing. 这就降落
Big tough guy all of a sudden. 突然这么男人了
We'll park it right here, Morty. 咱就停这儿吧
Right here on the s-side of the r-road here. 就这路边上吧
Oh, thank god. 谢天谢地
You know what? That was all a test, Morty. Morty 其实这是个考验
Just an elaborate test to make 精心策划
You more assertive. 让你更加坚定
It was? 真的
Sure. Why not? 当然了 不然咧
I don't I don't know. 我咋知道
You you know what, Mo 知道吗 Mo
Neutrino bomb armed. 中微子炸弹装载完毕
I see there's a new episode of that singing show tonight. 今晚要播新一期歌唱节目啦
Who do you guys think is gonna be the best singer? 你们觉得最佳歌手是谁
Oh, my god. 上帝啊
His head is in his food. 头都砸进饭里了
I'm going to puke. 我想吐
Morty, are you getting sick? Morty 你病了吗
I told you not to practice-kiss the living-room pillow. 跟你说了别拿客厅里的枕头练亲亲
The dog sleeps on it. 狗狗在上面睡觉的
I wasn't kissing a pillow, mom. 我没亲枕头 妈
I just I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. 我就是昨晚没睡好
Maybe my dreams were just too loud or something. 可能我的梦太吵了什么的
Or maybe you were out all night again with grandpa Rick. 其实是你整晚都和Rick外公在外面吧
What, so everyone's supposed to sleep every single night now? 咋 每天晚上都非要睡觉吗
You realize that nighttime makes up half of all time? 你晓得夜晚占了我们时间的一半吧
Damn it! 去你的
Jerry Jerry!
Beth Beth!
Oh, my god. My parents are so loud. 上帝啊 我爹妈真吵
I want to die. 我想死
Mm, there is no god, summer. Summer 世上没有上帝
You got to rip that band-aid off now. 你现在忍痛接受
You'll thank me later. 以后会感谢我的
Okay, with all due respect, rick what am I talking about? What respect is due? 无意冒犯 Rick 算了吧 管他有意无意
How is my son supposed to pass his classes if you keep dragging 你老拉着他去搞这些没完没了的科幻玩意儿
Him off for high-concept sci-fi rigamarole? 他上的课还怎么过
Listen, Jerry, I-I don't want to overstep my bounds or anything. Jerry 我不想多管闲事
It's your house. 这是你家
It's your world. 你的地盘
You're a real julius caesar. 你是凯撒大帝
But I'll tell you some tell you how how I feel about school, jerry. 但是我觉得学校这种东西
It's a waste of time. A bunch of people running around, bumping into each other. 纯属浪费时间 一堆人乱跑乱撞
G-guy up front says, "Two plus two." 前面的人说"二加二"
The people in the back say, "Four." 后面的人说"四"
Then the bell rings, and they give you a carton of milk and a 下课铃一响 他们给你一盒牛奶
Piece of paper that says you can 一张纸 上面写着
Go take a dump or something. 你可以去上个大号
I mean, it's it's not a place for smart people, Jerry. 学校不适合聪明人待
And I know that's not a popular opinion, but it's my two cents on the issue. 我知道不是什么主流观点 但我就这么想的
This was a good breakfast, Beth. 早餐很棒 Beth
You really made the crap out of those eggs. 你真是煎得一手好蛋
I wish your mother was here to eat them. 要是你妈妈也能吃到就好了
Oh, dad. 噢 爸爸
For real? 没搞错吧
All right, now, everybody get settled. 都坐好
Get away from the windows! 离窗户远点
Now, look, we're gonna be dealing with some real serious stuff today. 今天我们要来点真家伙
You might have heard of it. 你们可能听说过
It's called math. 叫做数学
And without it, none of us would even exist, so let's jump right in. 没了数学 我们都不会存在 现在开始吧
two plus two. 二加二
Jessica Jessica.
Five plus five. 五加五
Tenssica. 十ssica
Okay, good. 很好
It's time for the quiz. 现在小测验
Yeah, you know what?! Aw, too bad! 叫鬼啊
Tough! 乖乖写
First row, take one. 第一排拿一张
Pass it back for me. 剩下的往后传
The stakes are high in this room. 这里竞争是很激烈的
There's crucial things happening here every day. 每天都有生死攸关的事发生
People getting smarter. 有人越来越聪明
Some of y'all getting dumber. 有人越来越蠢
Some of y'all ain't gonna see 3:00. 有的人根本看不到三点的太阳
Hi, Morty. 嗨 Morty
Whoa! 哇哦
Hi, Jessica. 嗨 Jessica
Can I show these to you? 想看看吗
Th-they're both great. 棒极了耶
Thank you. 谢谢
You know what I named these? 你知道我管它们叫啥吗
My little morties. 我的小Motry
Uh, that's flattering... and a little weird. 好荣幸 但有点诡异
Do you know what I want you to do with them? 知道我想让你干嘛吗
Rename them? 重新取个名字
Squeeze them. 好好捏
Manhandle them. 使劲揉
Give them the business. 大力不要停
See if you can shuffle them. I mean, really get in there and knock them around. 好好让它们爽一爽
No wrong answers. 怎样都可以
Well, okay, Jessica. 好吧 Jessica
L-let's give this a shot. 我试试吧
Morty Oh, Morty.
What are you doing to me? 你在对我做什么
Uh, I-I'm just doing my best. 我在努力了
Morty Morty!
What are you doing to me?! 你在对我做什么
Jessica Jessica.
Morty Morty!
Jessica Jessica.
Five more minutes of this, 再来五分钟
And I'm gonna get mad. 我就要生气了
Jessica Je-jessica.
Jessica Jessica.
Not my fault this is happening. 这可不是我的错
Well, well, well. 看呐
Uh, morning, Frank. Frank 早上好
"Morning"? What was what is that supposed to mean? "早上好" 你什么意思
You making fun of me? 你在取笑我吗
Are you trying to say my family's poor? 你这是在暗示我家里穷吗
Oh, geez, frank. I don't know if a knife is necessary. Frank没必要动刀子吧
I mean, you know, y-you kind of had things handled without it. 不用刀子也能搞定啊
You telling me how to bully now? 轮得到你来教我吗
Big mistake, Morty. 这你就错了 Morty
And now I'm gonna cut you, 'cause my family's rich. 现在我要砍了你 因为我家有钱
There you are, Morty. 你在这儿啊 Morty
Listen to me. 听我说
I got an errand to run in a whole different dimension. 我要去另外一个次元办点事儿
I need an extra pair of hands. 我需要帮手
Oh, geez, Rick. W-what'd you do to frank? 天啊 Rick 你把Frank咋了
It's pretty obvious, Morty. I froze him. 很明显啊Morty 我把他冻住了
Now listen. I need your help, morty. 我需要你帮忙
I mean, we got we got to get get the hell out of here 我们赶紧离离离开这儿
And go take care of business. 去办事儿
It's important. Come on, morty. 很重要 快来 Morty
I don't know, rick. 我不知道 Rick
I-I can't leave school again. 我不能再逃学了
Do you have any concept of how much higher the stakes get out there, Morty? 你知道去那边有多危险吗
What do you think? I can just do it all by myself? 你觉得我一个人能行吗
Come on! 快来
Aw, geez. Okay. 好吧
I guess I can skip history. 我或许可以翘一节历史
What about Frank? Frank咋办
I mean, shouldn't you unfreeze him? 你是不是该给他解冻
I'll do it later, Morty. 等会儿再说
He'll be fine. 他没事的
Let's go. 我们走
Oh, my god. I'm about to walk past frank Palicky. 天 我要遇上Frank Palicky了
This is the story we'll be telling our children. 这就是以后讲给我们孩子听的邂逅啊
Hi, Frank. 嗨Frank
Scalpel. 手术刀
Knock, knock. 咚咚咚
Jerry Jerry?
My manager gave me an hour for lunch, and I thought, 经理给了一小时的午餐时间
"Hey, why not swing by where your wife works?" 我就想"干嘛不来我老婆上班的地方看看呢"
We're losing him. 它快不行了
Okay, he's back. 好了 稳住了
Jerry, please tell me you're here for an incredibly urgent reason. Jerry 请务必告诉我你有非来不可的理由
Well, it's lunch. 午餐啊
I mean, it's one of three meals that have existed for millennia. 数千年来的三餐之一啊
Losing him. 不行了
Stabilized. 稳定了
Okay, I only ask, Jerry, because, as you know, my job involves performing heart surgery. Jerry你知道我这么说 是因为我的工作是心外科手术吧
Well, yeah, on horses. 是啊是啊 给马做的
Excuse me? 你说啥
Okay. Let's not rehash that fight. 好吧 这个问题咱别再吵了
I sense that you're busy and will now be on my way. 我明白你很忙 我这就走
Whoa! 哇哦
What is this on the floor? 地上这是啥呀
Some kind of literature for a really nice-looking nursing home. 这家养老院看着真是好啊
Hey, honey, crazy idea bad pitch let's put your dad here. 亲爱的 突发奇想 咱把你爸送进去吧
Let's put your dad in a nursing home. 把你爸送进养老院吧
We're losing him. 不行了
Hey, Tom. We know when we're losing him. Tom 我知道它快不行了
We can hear the beeps! 这哔哔叫我听得见
There she is. All right. Come on, Morty. Let's go. 好了 来吧 Morty 我们走
Oh, geez. Okay. 好吧
Oh, man, Rick. 天啊 Rick
What is this place? 这是个啥地方
It's dimension 35c, and it's got the perfect climate conditions for a special type of 这是35c次元 这儿的气候非常适合一种特殊的树
Tree, morty, called a mega tree, 叫做奇异树
And there's fruit in those trees, and there's seeds in those fruits. 树上有果子 果子里有种子
I'm talking about mega seeds. 那就是奇异种
They're they're incredibly powerful, and I need them to help me with my research, Morty. 这种种子非常强大 我的研究需要这些种子
Oh, man, Rick. I'm looking around this place, Rick 我看了下四周
And I'm starting to work up some anxiety about this whole thing. 总觉得有点怕怕的呢
All right. All right. 好吧好吧


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