This weekend Saturday and Sunday the weather was too cold the number of trainees was low. For the first class, the class I usually go to, kids didn't come for that reason I went to other classes for observation and learn from other coaches.
The second class, I worked with Zim and both days we had 12 kids.
We started by a warm up with ball and kids tried to perform well the exercises given. After 10 minutes with ball, the warm up went on without ball and running exercises and coordination exercises were performed with emphasize on doing well each movement and with speed.
The main topic of the training was ball dribbling (inside and outside of the foot) later we introduced pass. The kids from this class need more repetitions and practice to get familiar with the ball, and the other issue is that every day there is one or more new child who needs more attention to get interested.
For more practice, a group of six kids on a pentagon shape, performed dribbling then passing (pass and follow), after this exercise they had five minutes shooting on goal and then after play a game 3vs3.