八月读完了刻意练习,总体感觉这是一个逻辑严密,运用大量事例反复论证刻意练习可行性和有效性的报告。读后的体会有三点:一条逻辑线、一个road map ,一点建议。
如果要找三个词来概括全书的逻辑框架的话,我会选Adaptability、DP(Deliberate Practice)和MR(Mental Representation)。简而言之,正是因为人的身体和大脑具有极强的适应性(Adaptability),所以通过刻意练习可以逐步提高和塑造适应能力,进而建立起高效的MR。也就是说,Adaptability是DP实现的前提,而MR是DP最终追求的结果。即Adaptability和MR构成了DP的前因后果。这就是全书的逻辑主线。
那么DP从始至终到底是如何发挥作用的?在每一个节点上应该注意什么?在实际实施DP的时候要遵循什么样的路径和原则?书中用大量的篇幅举证了众多事例,论述了DP的特点等等。化繁为简,DP的路线图如下。简单记忆为“什么方式”的拼音首字母SMFS(S=skills,M=MR,F=feedback,S=step by step)
首先,学习开始时确立skills为导向。The objectives should be skills, not knowledge.即学习以实际运用为目的,摒弃“学知识”的传统观念做法,摒弃“学了自然就会了”的错误认知,摒弃只学不用的误区。
其次,学习过程就是找到高手的MR,仿效高手,不断练习,及时反馈(feedback),不断修正。In particular, understand as much as possible about the mental representations that experts use and develop similar MR.在仿效的过程中,DP的核心就是有效的反馈,这种反馈在MR的形成中至关重要。Plenty of repetition and feedback, together with the regular cycle of try, fail, get feedback, try again,and so on is how we build our mental representations .每一次有效的反馈如同为MR的建立添砖加瓦,在不断的反馈、改正、失败,重新尝试的过程中,MR得到不断的修正和加固,最后形成出神入化的MR。
最后,循序渐进(step by step)。一下子把目标定的高大上,有时候会适得其反。分解目标,大目标化小目标。小目标既要跨出舒适区,to keep them out of their comfort zone but not so far out that they cannot master that step同时又要兼顾当前能力水平,稍高为益。
在作者的写作安排上,我是有一点小疑虑的,就是本书开始对于Purposeful Practice和Deliberate Practice的区别交代不是很明晰,以至于在前三章,读者并不太清楚PP和DP的区别,甚至会混淆。直到第四章作者才交代了二者的区别。所以如果在开始稍微提及两者的区别(其实说起来也很简单DP=PP+ informed),个人认为会更好。
How could we reach the peak if we are struck in three prevailing myths? The first is the belief that one’s abilities are limited by one’s genes. The second myth holds that we are bound to get better at something if we do it for long enough. And the third myth states that we tryhard enough, we will get better. But above myths usually turn to upset us.
So what is the recipe for improvement or whatis the best way to the peak? The answer lies in deliberate practice. Anyone can improve,but it requires the right approach. As studies indicate that our body and brainis incredibly adaptable,it is possible to shape the brain in the ways we desire through deliberate practice.When following the roadmap of DP. we begin by indentifying our objectives—skills rather than knowledge . And understand as much as possible about the mental
representations that experts use and try to develop similar MR. This will involve reaching the skill step by step,which each step designed to keep usout of comfort zone but not so far out what we cannot master that step . Then wegradually build our MRs through feedback, trials and errors.