Zhang Jian's Version of Mental Omega Volume 3


The Fundamental Changes in Soviet’s Tech Tree

1. EachSoviet subfaction’s T3 lab (Guerrilla Facilities / Palace / EMP Complex) needsboth AFH and Field Bureau to unlock.

2. SomeT2 buildings and units now are unlocked by AFH instead of Field Bureau.

3. EachSoviet subfaction has a new tech building, AFHPC, adding on AFH. Therefore, eachfaction has four kinds of labs (fairly speaking) and its special developing way;and each faction has a sort of add-on.

4. Nowthat AFH and AFHPC cost $1500 and $500 respectively, the cost of Soviet T3 labsreduces from $5000 to $3000. Nevertheless, Soviet T3 labs are still the mostexpensive labs.

5. NuclearReactor also requires AFH + Field Bureau to unlock. Somewhat neutralize NuclearReactor’s low price-performance ratio.

6. Playersmay build AFH (even plus AFHPC) before Field Bureau, i.e. players have moremeaningful choices.

7. Asregards the redistribution among the Soviet subfactions, I’ve already givensome explanations, and I’ll give more in Chapter Three.

The Fundamental Changes in Allied’s Tech Tree

NowAllied has two separate tech branches.

α Airbase → ExperimentalWarpshop, unlocking some T3 Structures, T3 Defenses, T3 units and T2 Supportpowers:

General: DepositBank, Chronosphere (superweapon), Gap Generator, Chrono Legionnaire, Barracuda,Hummingbird, Aircraft Carrier, Backwarp, Chronolift;

PacificArmies: Skyray, Norio (hero), Battle Tortoise;

NorthAmerica: Tanya (hero), Abrams Tank.

EuroAlliance: Coordnode, Siegfried (hero), Charon Tank.

β Remote Command /

Satellite Uplink / Shield Institute → Avant-garde Skyscraper, unlocking some T3Structures, T3 Defenses, T3 units and T2 Support powers:

General:Weather Controller (superweapon), Grand Cannon, Spy, Cryocopter, Battleship,Black Widow, Radar Jamming;

PacificArmies: Sniper, Zhang-Jian (hero), Hailstorm, Blizzard Tank;

NorthAmerica: Riot Trooper, Statue of Liberty Cannon, Aeroblaze, Boidmachine (epic).

EuroAlliance: Suppressor, Prism Tank, Thor Gunship, Haloed Thor (epic).

ExperimentalWarpshop only requires Airbase to unlock, and Avant-garde Skyscraper onlyrequires Remote Command / Satellite Uplink / Shield Institute to unlock. That’sto say, Allied is the only faction that can quickly reach T3. However, this ishampered by Allied’s power problem: 1 Power Turbine is now strictly categorizedas “Structures” not “Defenses” (now choosing between Power Plant and PowerTurbine is almost merely a space matter); 2 EA’s Lightning Rod no longerprovides power. 3 Even if playerssucceed, unlike 3.3.4’s Soviet, they only get a part of T2 and a part of T3,which means they have significant defects. 4 The total price of Allied labs(Airbase + Experimental Warpshop + Remote Command / Satellite Uplink / ShieldInstitute + Avant-garde Skyscraper) is the most expensive amongst the fourfactions.

ExperimentalWarpshop and Avant-garde Skyscraper are equally $2250, power -300 and unlimitedin number.

However,to get or produce stolen tech units, only Experimental Warpshop is needed toinfiltrate or exist, while Avant-garde Skyscraper is now out of business(because Lionheart needs Airbase)?

Thereasons why I give “Tech Center” the new name “Avant-garde Skyscraper” are: 1to indicate this building is irrelevant to aforementioned concerns(?); 2“avant-garde” parallels “experimental”; 3 to describe the image vividly; 4 theold name, “Tech Center”, is not impressive.

Some Disadvantages of Each Faction’s Tech Tree

Allied:the total price of the four labs are the highest.

Soviet:T3 lab is the most expensive lab.

Epsilon:Pandora + Plug is the most expensive compound lab.

Foehn: T3lab requires three T2 labs to unlock.

Why Are Black Eagle, Foxtrot, Raven etc. T1 Not T2?

Airbase, AFH,Radar Spire, etc. are all T1 structures, so the units and support powers theydirectly generate are T1, just as other T1 structures (e.g. War Factory)produce T1 units (e.g. Rhino Tank).

BothStormchild and Rocketeer are unlocked by Airbase, why is Stormchild T1 whereas RocketeerT2?

Buildings/ units / support powers need to not only unlock but also build / train / call.Stormchild is not only unlocked by Airbase but also trained at Airbase, so Stormchildis T1+0 = T1. In contrast, Rocketeer is unlocked by Airbase (T1) while trainedat Barracks, so Rocketeer is T1+1 = T2. Similarly, Psychplug is unlocked byPandora Hub (T1) + Radar Spire (T1) while built by Epsilon Construction Yard,so Psychplug is max{T1,T1}+1 = T2. Barracuda is unlocked by ExperimentalWarpshop (T2) while trained at Airbase, so Barracuda is T2+1 = T3.


if a building / unit / support power X is unlock by building Y while built by /

trained at / called from building Z, then Tier of X = max Tier of Y + f(Y,Z). If

Y = Z, f(Y,Z) = 0; if Y≠Z, f(Y,Z)= 1. Set Tier of Construction Yard = 1, as the initial value. (Note: Tier ofMCV = 2.)

If a buildingY adds on another building Z, we consider Y+Z as a whole. For instance,Dustdevil is unlocked by AFHPC (T2) while train at AFH, but Tier of Dustdevilis still 2, because AFHPC is NOT an independent building but an add-on, whichmeans Dustdevil is both unlocked by and trained at upgraded AFH (AFH+AFHPC),therefore Tier(Dustdevil) = Tier(upgraded AFH)+0 =2.

To Implement The Formula Fully And Give PlayersMore Strategies

Plan A

Once ConstructionYard is established, all related T1 structures and defences can be built, and WarFactory can train related miners even without any Ore Refinery.

Plan B

After ConstructionYard is established, Power Plant alike, Barracks, Ore Refinery, Wall and Gatecan be built. Barracks can train GI, GGI, Engineer and Attack Dog (take Alliedfor illustration). All these are labelled as T0. After Power Plant / TeslaReactor / Bio Reactor / Windtrap is built, all related T1 structures anddefences can be built, and War Factory can train related miners even withoutany Ore Refinery. That is to say, Power Plant alike also play as T1 lab (theelevator from T0 to T1).

Plan C

Set OreRefinery as T1 lab.

Some Units And Buildings Can Be Unlocked ByEither/Any T2 Labs

Allied:MCV, Power Turbine.

Soviet:MCV, Crazy Ivan.

Epsilon:MCV, Aerodome.


Mine, Including Turmoil Grid And Stun Grid

All minesconsume 0 Power and work well even at low-power.

Allsubfactions have mines and all defensive subfactions (i.e. EA, KK, AC, LH) havespecial defenses (not necessarily Mine). That’s why I introduce Toxic Mine forEpsilon and Anti-tank Mine for Allied.

Now eachfaction has at least two sorts of mines: 1 some are general, while some aresubfactional; 2 some are constructed around the base, while some are deliveredby airplane (yielding some clues for your adversaries).

Transport Aircraft


All T1 paradrops,e.g. Repair Done, are delivered by the same sort of Cargo Plane (HP 700, MediumAircraft, 24(jet), Turn rate 2).

TechParatrooper Liaison Office is regarded as T1.


T2paradrops use better and factional aircraft.


Stallion:customizable, anywhere (including unexplored terrain), immune to signaljamming, recyclable, surviving passengers will paradrop from the StallionTransport when shot down, Speed 40(jet), invisible on enemy radar.


MiGTransport: invulnerable.


Dybbuk-Transporter:cloaked, HP 1000, Speed 50(jet).


PeregrineFalcon: Speed 100(jet), the fastest.

Anti-tank Mine, Battle Bunker, Caustic Column,Gun Turret

Now eachfaction has its T1 anti-armor defense “tower”.

The statsof Caustic Column:

Groundattack: 12~1 (effective against armor, mediocre against buildings, and weakagainst infantry).

Cooldown:1 frame (0.07 in-game seconds).

Attackrange: 7, radius 0.3 (= Gun Turret).

Cost:$600 (= Gun Turret).

Infantry That Spies Alike Can’t Or Have LittleSense To Mimic


General:Dog, Rocketeer, Chrono Legionnaire, Spy.

PA:Norio, Zhang-Jian.




General:Dog, Saboteur.

HK:Arsonist, Morales, Cyborg Culpeo.

RK:Eradicator, Gyrocopter, Krukov.

KK: ChainTesla Trooper, Yunru.


General:Spook, Raven, Bloatick, Infiltrator.

SC:Hijacker, Malver.

PS: LibraClone, Libra, Yuri.

AC: Rahn.


General:Clairvoyant, Duplicant, Trojan.

HH: Fin,Alize.

CH:Zorbtrotter, Zorbfloater, Eureka.


Anti-cloak, Anti-disguise

The duo:

PA: Norioanti-disguise, Zhang-Jian anti-cloak.

NA: Tanyaboth anti-disguise and anti-cloak.

EA:Haloed Thor anti-disguise, Siegfried anti-cloak.

HK: CyborgCulpeo anti-disguise, Morales anti-cloak.

RK:Krukov both anti-disguise and anti-cloak.

KK:Centurion anti-disguise, Yunru anti-cloak.

SC:Malver both anti-disguise and anti-cloak.

PC: Libraanti-disguise, Yuri anti-cloak.

AC:Irkalla anti-disguise, Rahn anti-cloak.

HH: Finanti-disguise, Alize anti-cloak.

CH: Eurekaboth anti-disguise and anti-cloak.

LH:Ramwagon both anti-disguise and anti-cloak.

(Libraand Fin are no longer anti-cloak.)

Besides theduos, mines and some Navy units, each faction has two ways to detect disguisedunits and cloaked units (including subs) respectively, and the four defensivesubfactions do a bit better.


Allied:Dog, Robot Tank.

Soviet:Dog, Terror Drone.

Epsilon:Spook, Stinger.

Foehn: Clairvoyant,Roadrunner.

Stolen(zj 1.1.6): Future Tank, Wormqueen.


Allied:Detect Pulse, Navy Seal; Prism Tank (EA).

Soviet:Tesla Trooper / Chain Tesla Trooper, Armadillo / Borillo / Pangolin; TeslaCruiser (KK).

Epsilon:Sensor Tower (Plan B: Mind Reader), Dunerider; Shadow Tank (AC).

Foehn:SODAR Array, Duplicant; Gharial (LH).

Stolen(zj 1.1.6): Grumble, Archelon.

By theway, some people say Foehn’s anti-cloak is rather weak. Now I degrade Duplicantand give you a new support power (SODAR Array Paradrop) and a new unit(Gharial).

Exceptmines, heroes and epics, no unit is both anti-disguise and anti-cloak.

Now RobotTank, Terror Drone, Stinger and Roadrunner are all merely anti-disguise.

Clairvoyantand Duplicant are only anti-disguise and anti-cloak respectively.

zj 1.1.4:In previous versions, I set Clairvoyant and Duplicant be only anti-cloak andanti-disguise respectively. After considering PvE and EvE (besides PvP), I nowinterchange them.

FuryDrone is no longer anti-disguise. If you think all drones / robots should beanti-disguise, then how about Megalodon, Teratorn as well as Tomahawk Powersuit?

zj 1.1.7:Since there’s no T0 or T1 anti-cloak unit, Ghost Miner loses the ability tocrush infantry. As a compensation, Ghost Miner will not reveal itselfperiodically, either.


The “pure

human beings” have less HP (< 300 = Libra)and are vulnerable to Dog / Spook, mutation and omnicrush, but fast (≥ 7, exceptMalver) and immune to EMP and gravity: Zhang-Jian (PA, HP 200?, Speed 10?),Tanya (NA, HP 200, Speed 9), Morales (HK, HP 240, Speed 7), Malver (SC, HP 200,Speed 6), Yuri (PC, HP 220?, Speed 8?), Fin (HH, HP 280, Speed 7), Alize (HH,HP 280, Speed 7); Norio (PA, HP 270, Speed 45(jet)).

The “mutated

human being”, i.e. Rahn (to co-ordinate with Brute): on one hand, immune to Dog

/ Spook, and HP ≥ 300; on

the other hand, vulnerable to gravity, and slow (Speed 7 →6). (Rahn now is immune to EMP and can also be mutated to Brute.) -- zj1.1.7

The rest are“human+machines” / cyborgs / AIs, the opposite of the “pure human beings”, i.e.HP ≥ 300, slow (except Cyborg Culpeo and Libra), immune to Dog / Spook,mutation (merely being killed) and omnicrush, but vulnerable to EMP (exceptYunru) and gravity (except Libra): Siegfried (EA, HP 450, Speed 5(teleport)),Cyborg Culpeo (HK, HP 500, Speed 10), Krukov (RK, HP 360, Speed 6), Yunru (KK,HP 600?, Speed 6), Libra (PC, HP 300, Speed 10), Eureka (CH, HP 540, Speed 6);Uragan (LH, HP 1000, Speed 8(jet)).

The heroes

that need to attack in short range (≤5) are immune to poison clouds and radiation: (only listing ground heroes)Tanya (Ultimate C4), Cyborg Culpeo (Razorblade teeth), Krukov (Radiationleaking), Malver (Autolyze, able to heal in poison clouds), Libra (Anti-gravityField), Yuri (Psychic blast).

(Yunru isno longer immune to poison or radiation.)

Amphibious:Tanya (NA), Morales (HK), Malver (SC, stealthier), Libra (PC, anti-gravity),Yuri (PC, anti-gravity), Fin and Alize (HH, any duo should not be excluded fromwater).

Campaign Heroes (zj 1.0.8)

(# meanscampaign unit)


Frankenfurter (Allied → HK)

Armament:1 Negation Field (= Suppressor); 2 deployed to increase firepower of friendlyunits and defenses in a radius of 10 by 15%, unable to move when deployed.


Westwood (Allied →Foehn)

Armament:1 lift and draw vehicles (= 3.3.4’s Zorbfloater); 2 deployed to stun all ofenemy’s infantry in a radius of 10, unable to move when deployed.




InterchangeVolkov’s weapons and voice set with #Cyborg Vanguard’s?

(Chainlightning Tesla cannon only disables units vulnerable to EMP.)



(new, 終結, KK → Foehn)

Armament:1 Confusion ray (= Deviatress); 2 Hacking ray (disable a building).

Zhongjie+ IFV = Deviatress + IFV.


(SC → Foehn)

Armament:1 Rapidly healing all kinds of friendly units and buildings in a radius of 15(= Stalker’s 12+3 = Morales); 2 Deploy to reduce enemy structures' armor by 20%for 240 frames in a radius of 15; no more attacking.

Rashidi +IFV = Engineer + IFV.

Rashidiis immune to poison clouds.

#SpaceCommando (PC)

Armament:Psionic bolt, absorbing damage from Tesla weapons (= 3.3.4’s Wormqueen).

ReceiveTesla Overcharge’s buff.

Immune toEMP, but vulnerable to gravity (just as in “Earthrise”).

Cloaked,reveal to attack (just as in “Earthrise”).

#CyborgCommando (Foehn? Neutral?)

#SammyStallion, whose name tends to be muddled with Stallion (Allied’s tamden rotor),is no more needed.

If acampaign hero(ine) shifts his/her alignment, he/she will appear in both(sub)factional challenges.

Heroslayer Challenge

Group A:add Zhang-Jian and Arnie Frankenfurter; replace Volkov with Krukov.

Group B:add Flint Westwood, Yuri and Space Commando; remove Uragan.

Group C:add Uragan, Rashidi and Zhongjie, replace Krukov with Volkov.

Epic Units

All epicsare immune to EMP, poison and radiation.

Centurionis the only one that’s amphibious. It’d better be, otherwise there’s no navy oramphibious epic unit, and a naval epic is a bad idea.

Epic’sspecial connections with its subfaction:


Boidmachinesupports Statue of Liberty Cannon.


LightningRod boosts Haloed Thor’s firepower.


1. Gastroburnersspeeds up Nuclear Kirov Flagship. 2. RK subfactional units are all immune toradiation.


Centurion’sfirepower is increased by Tesla Overcharge.


1. FakeAerodome both intimidates and distracts enemies as if it houseDybbuk-Jobseeker. 2. All SC subfactional units are immune to poison, and lotsof them are even able to heal in poison clouds.


CastlesIn The Air saves Irkalla’s face (I mean life).


1.Harbinger is called from Harbinger Tower. 2. Temporary Nano Plant suppliespower to Harbinger Tower. -- I tried to set Temporary Nano Plant exclusive toCH, but that design didn’t work well.


LikeMastodon, Ramwagon is also affected by Nanocharge and releases nanoids torepair itself and fellow Foehn units.

Epicsunk Challenge

Sincethere’s Heroslayer Challenge, why not “Epicsunk Challenge”?

zj 1.1.6:The enemies also have some campaign epic units and special buildings in theirbirth spots.

zj 1.1.7:

EU:#Stalin’s Fist + Nuclear Kirov Flagship + Boidmachine + Haloed Thor + #ParadoxEngine.

SC: #Stalin’sFist + Centurion + Dybbuk-Jobseeker + Irkalla + #Psychic Beacon.

SC owns aAerodome housing Dybbuk-J and Fake Aerodome at the beginning.

EpicsunkChallenge is the only challenge that has the time limit: 2:00:00 (easy) /1:30:00 (normal) / 1:00:00 (mental). The player(s) can cut off SC’s power tobuy more time.

CH: #Stalin’sFist + #Super Apocalypse Tank + #Topol-M (mini-nukes) + Harbinger + Ramwagon.

CH ownsHarbinger Tower at the beginning.

Additionally,#Stone Golems periodically reinforce each AI.

Stalin’sFist trains tanks related the owner’s initial subfaction, as in the mission “Retaliation”,where two Proselytes use the two Stalin’s Fists to produce SC tanks.

Pad Airplane

I put agreat deal of efforts to encourage players to use pad airplanes:

1. Idegrade Runway, Dybbuk-E and Dybbuk-M.

2. I setall airfields, including Runways and Cyberkernels, are immune to capture andmind-control.

3. I setall pad airplane are immune to mind-control, hijack and depiloted.

4. Icreate some imaginative sorts of pad airplanes (Tora, Wallbuster, Arch DustDevil, Double-headed Eagle, Dybbuk-C, Dybbuk-J, Virgin).

5. I improvesome kinds of pad airplanes (Lionheart, Foxtrot, Dybbuk-A, Dybbuk-E, Dybbuk-M,Dybbuk-S).

6. I setAirbase, AFH and Aerodome can be built before War Factory.

7. I setAerodome is unlocked by either Radar Spire or Pandora Hub.

8. I setAFH as a precondition for all Soviet T3 labs.

9. Igeneralize the expansion on AFH.

10. Iinvent Fake Aerodome. Now Allied has Airbase + Runway, Soviet has AFH +AFHPC,Epsilon SC has Aerodome + Fake Aerodome.

11. In3.3.4 pad airplane’s armor type is monotonously Light Aircraft. In point offact, it’s better to diversify the armor types of pad airplanes, even intoSpecial Armor I and Special Armor II.

12. (zj1.0.8) I set Cyberkernel also able to house an airplane. Now every faction hasits airfields and pad airplanes.

13. Onthe one hand, Aerodome is the only airfield that doesn’t function as a lab. Onthe other hand, Epsilon has the best anti-infantry (Dybbuk-E), the bestanti-armor (Dybbuk-A), the best siege (Dybbuk-C), the best stolen tech (Dybbuk-S),and the only epic (Dybbuk-J), as well as two nice support powers, to allureplayers to construct Aerodome(s).

14. (zj1.1.3) All pad airplanes are immune to radiation. In another words, viewairplanes as robots.

Pure Anti-air Units (zj 1.1.5)

All pureanti-air units gain the deployed mode (sort of a building), like Grumble, toprevent unwanted movements. They are Aeroblaze (NA), Sentinel (RK), Gehenna(PC), and Teratorn (Foehn).

AIbehavior: as Colossus, when trained by War Factory, these units are always infree mode, when built by Construction Yard, these units are always in deployedmode.

My idea

is inspired by @陈二烦 (《来一起调整平衡》https://tieba.baidu.com/p/6581311022).

Economic Support Power

Eachfaction should have a special financial reinforcement that is called from itsspecial economic booster and costs something except money.

When youhave $3000, 3.3.4’s Warp Miner is a low priority; when you desperately need it,you don’t have enough money.

Allied: Warp Miner

OneChrono Miner is teleported to the target location.

Pros: 1.The Miner will work for you from now on. 2. Because it can be teleported nearlyanywhere, the Miner’s function is actually beyond economics.

Cons:Your Chrono Miner has to go out to gather ores and come back to Refinery, thestakes of which are high.

Soviet: Gear Change

Youimmediately receive $2400.

Why is $2400not $3000? 2400 = 1000+1400. 1000 is the max of a Chrono Miner can gather fromgems, and 1400 is the price of a Chrono Miner.

Pros: Whatyou get is direct, definite and without delay.

Cons: YourIndustrial Plant is disabled for 60 in-game seconds.

Epsilon: Lunch Money

YourCloning Vats spawns 5 Brutes.

Pros: 1.The total value is $2500, the most of all. 2. The Brutes are quite valuable.

Cons: Youneed a Grinder to recycle them. Even so, you only get $1250 actually.

zj 1.1.3:In previous versions, I introduced “Spook Boom”, after considering Brute (justas in “Huehuecoyotl”) and Civilian ($100). Now I realize the Brute Plan is muchmuch better. The name is obviously derived from Brute’s quote “Give me yourlunch money!”

Foehn: Ore Regeneration.

Some ores(worth $2400 without Purifier) immediately appear in the target area.

Pros: Youcan regenerate ores near or even within your base.

Cons: Youhave to use Minermites and Refineries to transform the ores to cash, whichtakes a little time.

Slave Miner

@SOSolacexreuses Slave Miner as T2 Refinery, for all factions.

I’m stillthinking over the idea.

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