该书除了少量的应景、务虚文字(这点读者可自行跳过)外,信息量巨大、细节非常丰富,披露了很多鲜为人知的内幕,值得细读。 我下面摘录一部分(我的手机...
CHAPTERFIVE EVA (zj 1.0.8) Superweapon“Ready!” Ofcourse, it’s impractica...
CHAPTERFOUR Lessenthe missions that require to clear all enemies. The Su...
CHAPTERTHREE The AlliedBloc I replace “Nations” with “Bloc” because: 1 t...
CHAPTERTWO The Fundamental Changes in Soviet’s Tech Tree 1. EachSoviet s...
CHAPTERONE 1 TheAllied Bloc (Allied) 1.0 General 1.0.1 Structures T1: [i...
新創兵種——地獄艷魔(Infernal Succubus):等級4,攻擊12,防禦10,傷害4~8,生命35,速度3,能給友軍施放1次中級加速,...
6地下族 6.1兵種 Infrared Troglodyte(紅外洞穴人):原作的“Infernal Troglodyte(地獄洞穴人)”更名爲...