Why it is so important to do hardthings? Dopamine is what controls your motivation.
We almost become slaves of dopamine.
So the long-term solution to be able tofocus on boring things is to reprogram our brain, to remember that these thingsare actually pleasurable and really good for us.
We almost need to reset our baselinelong-term. The author wants us to challenge over the next couple of weeks ormonths to really think about how much stimulation you want to invite into yourlife. What’s actually adding value to your life?
Make a list of large amount of things
that are fairly low-stimulus that I can do instead of doing a more stimulating
For me, it can include spending lesstime on the Internet, reading a book, doing exercise and keep updating everydayhappenings. I may get benefit if I keepit, although it is a bit difficult now.
1. 早上睡得比较晚出去吃饭了,最近发现烧饼里加油条好好吃☺
2. 逛了银泰,给Alice 宝宝买了手链;
3. 下午郑同学做了芋圆水果下午茶,好吃吃多了,吃得肚子好胀;
4. 晚上做了仰卧起坐,好累呀,明天继续