20 Key Terms Everyone in Education ShouldKnow
Every field has its own lingo. Education is one of them. In fact, ourlingo is quite dynamic, as we are always finding new strategies to implement.Therefore, I did not put together the typical list of terms you might find inyour teacher training program. Here is the updated list of innovation happeningin education.
1.Arts Integration 与艺术融合
[if !vml][endif]Arts integrationmeanslearning core content side by side with–and through–art. Art helps students toexplain and illustrate their knowledge, really making it their own. It forces astudent to understand the subject-matter extremely well, and also fostersdivergent thinking.
2.Character Development 个性发展
[if !vml][endif]Tying into developing emotional intelligence and the whole child approachto education,character developmentisa necessity in today’s schools, both implicitly and explicitly. Teachingresolution of conflict and communication skills, modeling the growth mindsetand grit, teaching acceptance and empathy, we have a responsibility to ourstudents to develop not just their minds, but their character as well.
3.Collaborative Learning 合作学习
[if !vml][endif]Many new learning practices use collaboration, as science recognizes thatwe come up with our best ideas in groups. Furthermore, it represents real life,where students will eventually have to learn to work with others and theirideas.
4.Creative Thinking 批判性思维
[if !vml][endif]As the backbone behind many learning movements, including STEAM and designthinking, creative thinking brings together problem solving, divergent thinking,and convergent thinking. There are now degree programs popping up for creativethinking, as it has become a clearly recognized asset.
5.Design Thinking 设计思维
[if !vml][endif]This strategy develops deep thinking skills, promoting problem solving andcreativity in a hands-on format. Thedesign thinking processconsistsof five elements: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, test. Students aretaught to approach problems with a designer’s mindset, reframe problems,and test out things in practice, not theory.
6.Digital Storytelling 用多媒体讲故事
[if !vml][endif]Storytelling for the 21st century, combines multimedia with words tocreate a new and exciting storytelling experience for students.Digital Storytellingrequiresthe following steps: outline an idea, do the research, write the script, createa storyboard, create or collect images/video/audio, combine to create a digitalstory, share with the world, get feedback and reflect.
7.Emotional Intelligence (SEL) 情商
[if !vml][endif]Educating students about how to cope with their emotions, both inside andoutside of the classroom, helps them to succeed in life: less dropouts, lessdetention, less suspensions, and the list continues. Practicing mindfulness inschools is just one element that showspromising results.
8.Exercise and Movement 运动与锻炼
[if !vml][endif]We are not advocating that you teach PE instead of history, unless you area PE teacher, of course. However,movement and exerciseare essential andmust be integral parts of the learning day. Giving students short breaks inwhich they are allowed to get up, move, and be active can actually help them toretain what they’ve just learned.
9.Failure 挫折
[if !vml][endif]Yes, I am suggesting teaching students how to fail. Closely-tied to the growth mindset, design thinking, andinquiry-based learning,teaching students how to failinvolvesgetting students to challenge themselves. In fact,this professor builtinfailure as a part of final grades. Teaching how to fail further requires thatwe teach students to respond appropriately to failure, using it as a learningopportunity: Why did that not work? What parts of it worked? Do I need to startfrom the beginning again, or can I salvage parts of my attempt?
10.Flipped Classroom 翻转课堂
[if !vml][endif]TheFlipped Classroomisa flipping of the traditional classroom model, where what is usually thought ofas homework becomes classwork and vice-versa. A collaborative technology-basedformat allows the teacher to become a guide, rather than a lecturer. The“learning” is done at home, while the activities are done in the classroom. Theclassroom is the place where students work together to implement what they’velearned, while the teacher answers any questions that arise.
11.Growth Mindset 成长心智
[if !vml][endif]Thegrowth mindsetisborne of strong self-efficacy, which is a belief in one’s ability to grow,learn, and succeed. It deeply intertwines with grit, a mix of passion andperseverance. Coined by Carol Dweck in the bestselling bookMindset, encouraging the growth mindset is a classroom must, as it anticipatessuccess both inside and outside of the classroom.
12.Humor 幽默
[if !vml][endif]Yes, this made the list. And, no, it is not new to the teachingworld. However, what we know abouthumor in the classroomis fairlynew.Tracey Tokuhama Espinosatellsus that “laughter triggers the release of endorphins and enhances oxygenationin the brain, both of which aid in learning.” Also, the release of dopamine,related to happiness, has an impact on memory and learning. Most teachers knowit works, as it’s often a favorite tool in our toolbox. Now, we know why.
13.Intrinsic Motivation 内驱力
[if !vml][endif]As teachers, we can cultivate intrinsic motivation in our students. Asopposed to extrinsic motivation (such as grades), intrinsicmotivation happens when we are rewarded internally for our actions.Teachers should ask students “why” they want to learn a subject and guide themto discover that.
14.Makerspaces 创客空间
[if !vml][endif]The lab within the classroom, a collaborative workspace that is sometimeshigh tech and sometimes not–coding, 3D modeling, robotics, woodworking,etc.–makerspaces are hands-on workspaces within the classroom. They aredesignated specifically for experimenting, building, learning, and ultimately,creating.
15.Metacognition 元认知
[if !vml][endif]Teaching students how to think about their own process of thinkingencourages critical thinking and self-regulation skills.Teaching metacognitioninthe classroom, in the form of growth journals and reflective exercises,stimulates student motivation and builds independent, lifelong learners.
16.Positive Education 正能量教育
[if !vml][endif]Positive Educationbringspositive psychology to the classroom. It emphasizes our strengths andexamines what makes us successful and happy. Teaching character and well-being,positive education revives education, as the brain flourishes on happiness andpositivity.
Learning 项目制学习
[if !vml][endif]PBL is acollaborative learning methodthataddresses real-world problems, emphasizing critical thinking and problemsolving skills. Starting with a challenging question or issue facing thecommunity, students are given “voice and choice” in how they will solve theproblem and evaluate their solution. Hands-on and community involved, PBL joinsthe next wave of classroom innovation.
18.Scaffolding 因材施教
[if !vml][endif]This requires breaking the learning up into manageable chunks with toolsto accompany each section of the learning.Scaffolding isthe step prior to differentiated instruction and can work in conjunction withit for those who need more help.
19.STEAM 科学,科技,工程,艺术,与数学
[if !vml][endif]Art and design are making their way back into the curriculum,transformingSTEM to STEAM: science, technology,engineering, art and design, and mathematics. The A in STEAM provides theoutlet for theSTEM to come to life.
20.Workshop Model 工作室
[if !vml][endif]The Workshop Model is a personal favorite of mine. Starting with awarm-up, leading to a mini-lesson, breaking into work time, and thendebriefing,The Workshop Modelallowsfor scaffolding and allows students to work on exercises and projects inthe classroom, where the teacher can help guide them and answer questions.Then, the debriefing allows for time to reflect and integrate their newlyformed knowledge.
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Happy teaching, everybody!