苏州外卖小哥3分钟内两次闯红灯 两次被车撞倒
苏州一外卖小哥3分钟内两次闯红灯 两次被车撞倒
A takeout laddie diced with death:
running red light twice and being knocked down twice within 3 minutes
当日17时42分许,外卖小哥刘某驾驶一辆电瓶车在太仓市城区上海路娄江路路口由北向南行驶时,他不顾前面是红灯,加速冲了过去,不幸的是此时与一辆由东往南左转弯正常行驶的出租车碰撞。碰撞后,外卖小哥被摔倒,顾不上和出租车驾驶员 " 打招呼 ",就急忙捡起散落在地的外卖,加速离开。两分钟后,外卖小哥刘某继续往南行驶,看到红灯时,不接受教训的他又一次闯红灯,结果又与一辆由北向南正常行驶的小型轿车碰撞。刘某连人带车再次被摔倒,身上受轻伤,此时打算离开的他却被小轿车驾驶员拉住。
This laddie makes a reckless move for chicken feed, so it is not worth earning money at the risk of life
A proverb goes like this: Human beings die in pursuit of wealth while birds die in pursuit of food. Be sure not to make money at the cost of your life.
Assidious pursuit of academic achievement pave the way for a brighter career.
Excellent education is the route we must take in achieving the goal for a successful career and a happy life full of glory and splendour.
This laddie epitomizes the future life of the teenagers addicted to online games:you are good-for-nothing and can only make a living by working as a coolie.
- dice with death: run a risk/take a risk/risk being killed by doing something very dangerous 玩命;冒险;玩命,拿性命开玩笑(sail close to the wind冒风险;抢风驶航;play a dangerous game干冒险的玩意儿;cut it fine扣得紧;抠得很紧;几乎不留余地
- chicken feed: 笔微不足道的钱;一小笔钱;零钱
3.at the risk of life冒着生命危险 - lead a dog's life:过着牛马不如的生活;过着贫困的生活
- work as a coolie 卖苦力