Dad Poor Dad》一书,中文翻译是《富爸爸穷爸爸》,首次提出了财商概念,英文缩写为FQ(Financial
1.There is a difference between being poor and beingbroke.Broke istemporary. Poor iseternal.
broke:having no moneyat all or very little money.
temporary:continuingfor only a limited period of time.
eternal:continuingfor ever and having no end.
2.People’s lives are forever controlled by two emotions: fear and greed.
greed:astrong desire for more food, money, power, possessions etc than you need.
3.The poor and the middleclasswork for money.The rich have money work for them.
class:agroup of people within a society who have the same economic and socialposition.
4.It’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep.
5.Rich peopleacquireassets.The poor and middle class acquireliabilitiesthat they think are assets. An asset puts money in my pocket. A liability takesmoney out of my pocket.
acquire:toget or buy something.
asset:somethinghaving value, such as a possession or property, that is owned by a person,business, or organization.
liability:the amount of money that
a person or organization owes.
6.The rich focus on their assetcolumnswhileeveryone else focuses on their incomestatements.
column:aline of numbers or words written under each other that goes down a page.
statement:apiece of paper that lists financial details.
7.Financial struggle is often the result of people working all their lives forsomeone else.
8.If you work for money, you give the power to your employer. If money works foryou, you keep the power and control it.
9.The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well,it can createenormouswealth.
enormous:extremelylarge or great.
10.Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind.
11.The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how theymanage fear.
12.For most people, the reason they don’t win financially is because the pain oflosing money is far greater than the joy of being rich.
13.There is gold everywhere. Most people are not trained to see it.
14.Failure inspires winners. Failure defeats losers.
Ihad two fathers, a rich one and a poor one. One was highly educated andintelligent. He had a Ph.D. and completed four years of undergraduate work inless than two years. He then went on to Stanford University, the University ofChicago, and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies, all on full financialscholarships. The other father never finished the eighth grade.
Bothmen were successful in their careers, working hard all their lives. Both earnedsubstantial incomes. Yet one always struggled financially. The other would becomeone of the richest men in Hawaii. One died leaving tens of millions of dollarsto his family, charities, and his church. The other left bills to be paid.
Bothmen were strong, charismatic, and influential. Both men offered me advice, butthey did not advise the same things. Both men believed strongly in educationbut did not recommend the same course of study.
IfI had had only one dad, I would have had to accept or reject his advice. Havingtwo dads offered me the choice of contrasting points of view: one of a rich manand one of a poor man.
Insteadof simply accepting or rejecting one or the other, I found myself thinkingmore, comparing, and then choosing for myself. The problem was that the richman was not rich yet, and the poor man was not yet poor. Both were just startingout on their careers, and both were struggling with money and families. Butthey had very different points of view about money.