- 赫兹的实验标识着经典物理的巅峰。电磁理论在数学上完美的令人难以置信。罗杰彭罗斯在《皇帝新脑》一书中毫不犹豫的将它和牛顿力学、相对论和量子论并列,称之为superb理论。物理学征服了世界,所有的问题都可以用这个集大成的体系解决,而不会再有任何真正激动人心的发现了。一位著名物理学家说,物理学的未来,只有在小数点后六位后面去寻找。
- get caught up in sth : It's easy to get caught up in all the gossip and forget to think about the serious consequences.
- go viral : to spread quickly on the internet.
- When people are furious at each other they often yell and insult each other.
- intimacey : a close personal relationship with somebody.
People in love often share their deepest feelings and emotions, which is intimacy. - A jealous person often wants to possess the person the love.
- If two men are rivals for the same woman , they may dislike or hate each other because of jealousy.
- She had been too stiff and nervous in front of the camera.
- be terrified of sb./sth
- thick
- Betty had had such high hopes and tremendous energy as a girl, but things don't work out .
- 一个人的成熟,并不表现在获得了多少成就上,而是面对那些厌恶的人和事,不迎合也不抵触,只淡然一笑对之。
- 双腿盘起来,两手板住两个膝盖,用力掰向后外方,使髋部尽可能打开。对着墙壁做,使膝盖尽可能低的压在墙壁上,以身体的力量向墙壁方向压。髋部被动打开,坚持几分钟(2分钟-10分钟)。盆腔中的器官得到被动运动,血流加快。