This week I have restarted my work at home. Because of the long vacation, the limit of equipment, and my poor skill to the new software, my work came across some difficulties. I often felt anxious in the past week.
Today when I review the sentence we read together in “趣配音” app, some sentences are really powerful, and give me confidence to face my difficulties in my work.
Well, maybe the job is hard for me now, but if I treat it like Mother Nature, don’t beat her or outrun her, just go ahead with her and get through the difficulties. Then finally I will get fruits.
说点小进步:这周开始,公司要求在家办公,相对来说自己的可支配时间变得更少了。但是我没有放弃学习的时间,而是把玩游戏的时间用来办公,算是自己的一个小进步。同时因为长时间的假期和设配的不趁手,工作起来的进度很慢,自己会嫌弃自己,每天都有点焦虑,但是工作还是有推进。今天复习趣配音的句子时,也被小小的治愈了一下,get through it, and I will be better.
这周听力自己选择了小说《月亮与六便士》,有点自不量力啊。之前两周听力可以听完,正确率也能保证在80%左右,有点骄傲了,结果今天就打脸了。上次能听懂大部分是因为对文化背景有一定的了解,这次的听力只做了一分钟的,而且正确率惨不忍睹,勉强能有一半吧。另外因为自己对连读的音很缺乏,音频中的很多连读都不能识别出来,例如 an army 的连读,按说这两个单词很简单,但是连读后我就听不出来了。