I should confess that sometimes I am arrogant. I don’t know why I am arr...
I feel proud that other members in the learning group also learn each ot...
This week I have restarted my work at home. Because of the long vacation...
Recently, I insist on learning English every day. Wow! I am proud of mys...
How do you feel about your recent life? Comfortable, so-so anxious, or p...
The spring festival is coming. Have you gotten the holiday from your sen...
发音器官:双唇lips 、鼻腔nasal cavity、牙齿teeth、舌尖tip of tongue、舌根root of tongue、口腔o...
在此次训练营之前,我以为自己是I风格,但是经过这次训练营,我对自己有了不一样的认识。 根据测评,我是高I风格,坦白说我并不喜欢自己的这种风格,会...
曾几何时,体制内成为新媒体频繁抨击的对象。很多网课在宣传时,都在说离开体制内后,主讲人如何如何成功逆袭,完成个人的蜕变。 这些切入点让很...