一,多余的动词+名词(unnecessary verb + noun)
最常见的,例如:we must make an improvement in our work. 这里的动词“make” 无实意,或者说感情色彩很淡,本身并没有特别实际的意义。真正的动作名词“improvement”已经涵盖完了。因此这里更好的表达应该是:we must improve our work. 值得注意的是,有的时候可能是以被动的形式出现(an improvement must be made in our work-------our work must be improved)
基本的模式是,unnecessary verb +noun. 由上面的例子可以看出,他们在语法上是正确的,正因为如此我们往往会忽略其结构,进而习惯于这种表达。通常来说,我们可以用,用动词来直接替代他们。
例如:It is impossible for us to accomplish the transformation of the whole society overnight.
改后:It is impossible for us to transform the whole society overnight.
总体来说,常见的有表达有"to have", " to make"等,
如 to make a careful study of = to study carefully.
to have a dislike for = to dislike to conduct reform of = to reform
二,多余动词 + 多余名词 + (名词后面加介词跟)三个部分(unnecessary verb + unnecessary noun + third word)
例如: "our effort to reach the goal of modernization" 这里的'reach" & "goal"都没有表达实际的含义,他们都必须依靠"modernization"才有意义。(同时这里的goal也是前面提过的表示类别的名词,属于不必要的名词)因此恰当的表达为:our effort to modernize. 由此可以看出,真正表达含义的是新出现的名词,所以改正的方法就是将其变为动词形式。
原句:our troops used the method of slow advance.
改后:our troops advanced slowly.
"These unnecessary verb + unnecessary noun combinations are only empty preliminaries(准备,前奏) to other words that carry real content. They add on more to the meaning of the sentence than a cough. The writer is merely clearing his throat before he comes to the point."