1. 除非经过了你内心的筛选和验证,否则一切道理都是伪命题,没有任何实际意义,包括我在此的啰啰嗦嗦。
2. 借假修真:借外在的虚与假,修内在的实与真,并安住于内在的真实不虚。
3. 我选择某人某事某物进入我的生命,不是因为它是必选项,而是我内心需要。我是无限的自由。在我的生命中,没有什么是必选的,一切都是可选的,它们被选来宣布我是谁,它们是流动的、来去自如的,并且无论来去,我都欣然接受。
4. 如果可以,我希望我的文字至少传播了某样真理,经得起历史之浪的淘洗而历久弥新,而非博人一哂后,便被时代抛弃。
5. Voice from my higher self:
Create your masterpiece that ignites love, broadcasts love and becomes love itself. All you need has been prepared. All you want is in your hands. So don't worry. Just go ahead. Let go of the past. Do whatever your heart tells you. Break whatever chains that tie you down. Follow your joy/passion. Shape a brand-new you according to the best picture you ever painted in your dream. Persist till it comes true. It has no choice but to come true if you persist long enough.