Basic brain work
we have two different fundamental modes of thinking._Focused and the Diffuse发散 mode.
Analogy of pinballs
New ideas__more diffusedrelaxed(make new neural connections ,thinking broadly)
Dali ,interesting technique:grab a key when he sleep
Learning sth difficult needs your brain to alternate its way of as it grapples with and assimilate the new material.
Different areas of brain work differently,whether you get concentrated or resting.
a million billion synapses in brain where memory restored.
Brain connectivity is not fixed,it doesn't need to get injured ,it is dynamic and remain so even after it mature.
We can see constant turnover, new synapsed being formed ,others disappearing.
Every organ send Mechanical/chemical information to your brain except brain itself
Brain is a command system doesn't have pain receptors
We can control the chemical and mechanical state ,which is really crucial
Spleen is an immune organ
We have millions of tiny little bags/sacs called aveoli in our lungs helping us fill up or deflate
The diaphragm is a muscle,shaped like a dome,sits below our lungs