
Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations

Day23|24 -Vocabulary

1. Palestine 巴基斯坦

①a former British mandate on the east coast of the Mediterranean; divided between Jordan and Israel in 1948
②an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea; a place of pilgrimage for Christianity and Islam and Judaism

[SYN]: Canaan  /  Holy Land  /  Promised Land

2. Perch  n./v.

①. n.  a high place or position, especially one where you can sit and watch something informal 高位,高处〔尤指人可以坐着看某事物的地方〕

a branch or stick where a bird sits 〔鸟的〕栖木,栖枝

② v. If you perch on something, you sit down lightly on the very edge or tip of it. 轻坐在; 轻落在 (边上或顶上)

e.g: He lit a cigarette and perched on the corner of the desk.    他点了一支烟,轻轻地坐在书桌角上

3. sustenance  n.

-UNCOUNT Sustenance is food or drink which a person, animal, or plant needs to remain alive and healthy.

e.g: The state provided a basic quantity of food for daily sustenance, but little else.国家提供基本的日常食物供应,仅此而已。

n.  when something is made to continue 保持;维持;支持

e.g: Elections are necessary for the sustenance of democracy.    选举是维持民主制度所必需的。

4. Mediterranean 地中海

①the Mediterranean Sea 地中海

②the area of southern Europe that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea 地中海地区

e.g: Windy roads west along the Mediterranean lead to the ruins of Perge and its ancient stadium.

5.   maritime

①relating to the sea or ships 海上的,海事的;与船舶有关的

[SYN]: marine

e.g:  San Francisco has lost nearly all of its maritime industry.   旧金山几乎失去了所有海运业。

②near the sea 近海的,沿海的

e.g:  the Canadian maritime provinces    加拿大沿海省份

6. surmount  v.

①to succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty 克服〔问题或困难〕

[SYN]  overcome

e.g: He has had to surmount immense physical disabilities.   他不得不克服严重的身体残疾。
e.g: I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.     我认识到我必须得克服语言障碍。

②[usually passive 一般用被动态] to be above or on top of something 耸立于…之上;在…顶上

e.g: a tower surmounted by a dome       一座穹顶塔楼

7. notably adv.    / 'nəʊtəbli /

①used to say that a person or thing is a typical example or the most important example of something 格外地;特别地

[SYN] especially

e.g: Some early doctors, notabl hippocrates, thought that diet was important.         早期的一些医生,尤其是希波克拉底,认为饮食很重要。

②in a way that is clearly different, important, or unusual formal 明显地,显著地

[SYN ]  significantly 【正式】

e.g:  Emigration has notably increased over the past five years.                           ..在过去五年中,移居国外的人明显增加。
e.g: Notably absent from his statement was any hint of an apology.                   他的话里显然没有丝毫道歉的意思。

8. Incredulous: [ADJ] If someone is incredulous, they are unable to believe something because it is very surprising or shocking.

e.g: ‘You sold the car?’ she asked,            incredulous. “你把车卖了?”她难以置信地问道。

搭配: incredulous look/expression/voice etc

e.g: She shot him an incredulous look.  她满腹狐疑地瞪了他一眼。

9. shore  

[C,U] the land along the edge of a large area of water such as an ocean or lake 岸,滨

e.g:  We could see a boat about a mile from shore.                                                    我们看见离岸边大约一英里的地方有一艘船。
e.g: Only a few survivors reached the shore.
e.g: She began to swim to shore.    她开始朝岸边游去。

■  on the shores of sth  [文中]

e.g: a holiday resort on the shores of the Adriatic       在亚得里亚海岸边的一处度假胜地

■   on shore

We had a couple of hours on shore (= not on a ship ) .    我们在岸上逗留了几个小时。

■   off shore

The island is about three miles off shore (= away from the coast ) .        这个岛离岸大约三英里远。

■   rocky/sandy shore 岩岸/沙岸

■   these/British/our etc shores

written a country that has a border on the sea 这个国家/英国/我们的国家等〔指沿海的国家〕

e.g: Millions of immigrants flocked to these shores in the 19th century.           无数移民在 19 世纪蜂拥到这个国家。
e.g: growing fears that English football players will be lured away to foreign shores    对英国足球运动员被吸引到外国去的与日俱增的担心

10. Vassal &  monarch 臣与王

Vassal: In feudal society, a vassal was a man who gave military service to a lord, in return for which he was protected by the lord and received land to live on.

Monarch: The monarch of a country is the king, queen, emperor, or empress.

e.g: be monarch of all one surveys             处于绝对优势的主宰地位,做当然的主宰

11. Unfolding  a. 慢慢演进的→

Unfold v.  If a situation unfolds, it develops and becomes known or understood. 逐渐明朗

e.g: The outcome depends on           conditions as well as how events unfold.         结果取决于条件以及事件如何发展。

If a story unfolds or if someone unfolds it, it is told to someone else. 使 (事情等) 传开; 传开

e.g: Don's story unfolded as the cruise got under way.   唐的故事随着航游的开始而漫漫展开了。

If someone unfolds something which has been folded or if it unfolds, it is opened out and becomes flat. 展开

e.g:  He quickly unfolded the blankets and spread them on the mattress.     他迅速摊开毯子,铺在褥垫上。

12.precede v.→precedencen. n                      →predecessor  n. 祖先

13. revolt v.

A revolt is an illegal and often violent attempt by a group of people to change their country's political system. 造反; 叛乱

e.g: It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders.   不可否认,这是一场普通百姓反抗领导人的起义。

When people revolt, they make an illegal and often violent attempt to change their country's political system.

e.g: In 1375 the townspeople revolted.    1375年,市民造反了。

A revolt by a person or group against someone or something is a refusal to accept the authority of that person or thing. 反抗; 抵制

e.g: Conservative Republicans had led the revolt against the budget package.     保守共和党带领了对这一预算计划的抵制。

14. alluded

If you allude to something, you mention it in an indirect way.

e.g: With friends, she sometimes alluded to a feeling that she herself was to blame for her son's predicament.   和朋友们一起时,她有时暗示她感到儿子的困境要怪她自己。

15. Warrior

[Definition]: A warrior is a fighter or soldier, especially one in former times who was very brave and experienced in fighting. 武士; 勇士

   a noble warrior    忠勇的战士

   cold warrior      冷战专家

   terracotta warriors    秦始皇兵马俑

16. Shepherd : n.  someone whose job is to take care of sheep 牧羊人,羊倌

v. to lead or guide a group of people somewhere, making sure that they go where you want them to go 带领〔一群人〕,引导〔人群〕


  shepherd sb into/out/towards etc sth

e.g:  The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.  导游把团中的其他人带上了巴士。

Origin: shepherd: (n.)

Old English sceaphierde, from sceap "sheep" (see sheep) + hierde "herder," from heord "a herd" (see herd (n.)). Similar formation in Middle Low German, Middle Dutch schaphirde, Middle High German schafhirte, German dialectal Schafhirt. Shepherds customarily were buried with a tuft of wool in hand, to prove on Doomsday their occupation and be excused for often missing Sunday church. Shepherd's pie is recorded from 1877.[FROM: etymonline]

shepherd: (v.)

1790, "to herd sheep," from shepherd (n.). The metaphoric sense of "watch over or guide" is first recorded 1820. Related: Shepherded; shepherding.

17. Exodus from

e.g: Whether they arrived there after an exodus from Egypt is not of course indicated.    他们是否在逃离埃及之后到达此地,文中并没有暗示。

■ exodus v.    [+of/from/to]

[Definition]: a situation in which a lot of people leave a particular place at the same time 〔大批人同时的〕离开,涌离

e.g: I joined the mass exodus for drinks during the interval.    幕间休息时我随着人流出去喝东西。

18. intercourse n. an exchange of ideas, feelings etc which make people or groups understand each other better 〔想法、感情等的〕交流,沟通

social intercourse   社交

[SYN]: exchange (n. 交换;交流); communication(n. 交流, 沟通)

19. Underlie v.

to be the cause of something, or be the basic thing from which something develops 作为…的原因;构成…的基础

e.g: the one basic principle that underlies all of the party’s policies    贯穿该党各项政策的那一条基本原则
e.g: Try to figure out what feeling underlies your anger.                              设法找出什么情绪是你生气的原因。

20. Foliage n. The leaves of a plant are referred to as its foliage. 叶子

e.g: ...shrubs with grey or silver foliage.   …灰叶或银叶灌木丛。

[SYN]:  flora, greenery, green, herbage,             leafage, vegetation, verdure 植物

21. forthcoming

[only before noun 仅用于名词前] a forthcoming event, meeting etc is one that has been planned to happen soon 即将到来的,即将出现的

e.g: the forthcoming elections   即将到来的选举
e.g: Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events .  请注意布告牌上的活动预告。

Day25 Map

1670 Jacob and his family enter theland of Egypt

DATE (B.C.) Old Testament Event

[1550-1069] Period when the Egyptian Empire, also called the New Kingdom of Egypt, is at the height of its power and prosperity

[1550-1526] Ahmose I reigns as Egypt's Pharaoh (dates disputed)

1526-1506 Amenhotep I reigns as Egypt's Pharaoh (dates disputed)

1525-1405 Life of Moses

Asianstic = people coming from the west of the red sea

Cannanites = people who inhabit the Cannan, including Isralites, Philistines, Amorites

especially in the bible it meant the enemies of Israle in the Cannan, who were also slaughtered to clear out the land( The book of Joshua)

Joseph as Jacob( also named Israel) reigned over Egypt for many years as Pharoah's governer(like a prime minister)

afterwards Egyptians start to rebel against the immigrants(the descendants of Israel, or, Joseph and his brothers)

and they started to make Israelites slaves , which was why Moses took them out of Egypt(Exodus)

Joseph was Jacob's youngest son.

Jacob had 12 sons, each son was the beginning of one of the 12 tribes of the Hebrews

Cannan included today's Palestine, Syria and Lebanon

especially Syria's fate was well prophesied in the bible.

Day26- timeline of Babylon

The city of Babylon makes its first appearance in our sources after the fall of the Empire of the Third Dynasty of Ur, which had ruled the city states of the alluvial plain between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris for more than a century (2112-2004?). An agricultural crisis meant the end of this centralized state, and several more or less nomadic tribes settled in southern Mesopotamia. One of these was the nation of the Amorites ("westerners"), which took over Isin, Larsa, and Babylon. Their kings are known as the First Dynasty of Babylon (1894-1595?).

  The area was reunited by Hammurabi, a king of Babylon of Amorite descent (1792-1750?). From his reign on, the alluvial plain of southern Iraq was called, with a deliberate archaism, Mât Akkadî, "the country of Akkad", after the city that had united the region centuries before. We call it Babylonia. It is one of the most fertile and rich parts of the ancient world.


Day27- comment

When scholars refer to "ancient Israel," they often refer to the tribes, kingdoms and dynasties formed by the ancient Jewish. It includs 7 ages. I am completely attracted by the history of Israel. Before reading this article, this country give me a deep impression on its surrounding country-Palestine. I think that there must be in war. However, I am totally wrong. I learned the strong of the Israel, economic, finacial, mational defence. I have learnt some needful lessons. The historian has been warned against arguing from the imperfection of his own knowledge, and rejecting an ancient narrative merely because it seems unsupported by other testimony. He has been warned, too, against making his own prepossessions and assumptions the test of historical truth, of laying down that a reported fact could not have happened because it runs counter to what he assumes to have been the state of society in some particular age. Above all, the lesson of modesty has been impressed upon him, modesty in regard to the extent of his own knowledge and the fallibility of his own conclusions. It does not follow that what we imagine ought to have happened has happened in reality; on the contrary, the course of Oriental history has usually been very different from that dreamed of by the European scholar in the quietude of his study. If Oriental archæology has taught us nothing else, it has at least taught us how little we know.

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