一 字词整理
1. What emotional baggage did he bring along?
baggage:the beliefs and feelings that you have which influence how you think and behave思想包袱
2. others can’t write the second paragraph until they have fiddled endlessly with the first.
还有一个引申的意思:informal to give false information about something, in order to avoid paying money or to get extra money篡改,伪造
3. We must push this to a lower decibel of public fixation.
fixation:a very strong interest in or love for someone or something, that is not natural or healthy痴迷,不正常的依恋,固执的偏爱 [+on / with / about]
4. Now I’m saying you must write for yourself and not be gnawed by worry over whether the reader is tagging along.
gnaw: to make you feel worried or uncomfortable使烦恼;折磨. 它的另一个常见的意思咬,啮,啃
tag along:to go somewhere with someone, especially when they have not asked you to go with them〔尤指未经邀请〕跟随,尾随
5. This is H. L. Mencken reporting on the notorious“Monkey Trial”
6. Writing is no respecter of blueprints.
respecter:be no respecter of sth
■to treat or affect everyone in the same way尊重;遵奉;礼待
7. I mention this as a reminder that far more periodical reading is done under the dryer than under the reading lamp, so there isn’t much time for the writer to fool around.
fool around:to behave in a way which is careless and not responsible乱弄,瞎弄
8. and he described with gusto the joys of weaving them through his work.
with gusto: if you do something with gusto, you do it with a lot of eagerness and energy 充满激情地
二 中文感悟
在去年寒假的时候我就买了on writing well这本书的纸质版,心里想着一定要仔细的读读。哪知一个寒假压根就没翻开过。我认识这本书是因为我们的课本有一篇课文是这本书的第一章transaction(原封不动),所以认为它内容应该不错。再加上为了弥补寒假没读的遗憾,看到这期读书会我就立马报了名。
三 summary
I have finished nine chapters in the last five days. Chapter tells us that writing is a personal transaction and it can be learnt. Chapter 2 and 3 teach us to avoid clutters and write with simplicity. Chapter 4 and 5 value the writing as your own business. Chapter 6 and 7 explain the importance of words and its usage. Chapter 8 and 9 analyze the unity and important parts (the lead and ending) matter much in a good piece of writing.