✨请就两个观点给出你的理由和见解:State some reasons for both views and give your opinion.
✨在如今这样这样一个人口不断增长的世界里:growing up in a world with ever-increasing population
✨在刚开始记事的时候:from sb's earliest memory
✨要出人头地:to surpass others
✨尽管很多人赞成这种做法,但有些人却表示怀疑:Although this practice is embraced by many, others remain unconvinced of its merits.
✨要想孩子在长大成人时取得成就,就必须从小教他们学会如何与人合作:They insist that for children to achieve greater things in adulthood they should learn how to cooperate with others.
✨认为:argue that
✨赞成:in favor of
✨要想孩子将来在社会中生存,必须从小就灌输竞争精神:Competition skills have tobe instilled into the children from an early age if they are to merely survive in their future life.
instil /ɪnˈstɪl/ ( -ll- ) v.
英文释义:to gradually make sb feel, think or behave in a particular way over a period of time
中文释义: 逐渐灌输,逐步培养(感受、思想或行为)
动词搭配:~ sth (in/into sb)
to instil confidence/discipline/fear into sb 逐步使某人树立信心╱守纪律╱产生恐惧
✨名牌大学:prestigious universities
✨激烈的竞争:fierce competition
✨相互竞争以...:vie to do sth
✨参加工作后,又要和同事竞争,以争取职业生涯的发展:This is followed by constant pressure to outshine one's co-wokers if career advancement is to be achieved.
outshine: v. ( outshone outshone)
英文释义:to be more impressive than sb/sth; to be better than sb/sth
✨竞争不是一种挥之不去的烦恼,而是我们进步背后的推动力量:Instead of being an unavoidable nuisance, competition should be embraced, for it is the driving force behind our progress.
nuisance: /ˈnjuːsns/ n.
英文释义:a thing, person or situation that is annoying or causes trouble or problems
I don't want to be a nuisance so tell me if you want to be alone. 我不想讨人嫌,你要是想一个人待着就说一声。
I hope you're not making a nuisance of yourself . 我希望你没有讨人嫌。
It's a nuisance having to go back tomorrow. 明天不得不回去,真烦人。
✨人们在和对手竞争的时候,总是发挥得更好些,这也就是大部分运动员在重大比赛时成绩要比平时好的原因:People tend to perform better when they strive to beat their opponents,which is the very reason why most athletes run faster in critical races than they do in their training.
✨对取得学业成就至关重要的很多因素:many key factors that contribute to one's scholastic achievements
✨the exhange of ideas with classmates
✨人际交往能力:interpersonal skills
✨在任何机构里,不管是公司还是实验室,都需要大家互相帮助和协作:The need to work with and assist each other is also reflected inevery organisation, be it a company or a laboratary, where teamwork is a prerequisite for all job seekers.
✨形成一种亲和力:establish rapport
rapport: /ræˈpɔː(r)/ n.
英文释义:a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well
动词搭配:~ (with sb) | ~ (between A and B)
She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients. 她懂得与客户建立密切和谐的关系的重要性。
✨培养真诚的友谊:form genuine friendship
✨在如今这样一个人与人之间越来越相互依赖的世界里,要教会孩子们互相合作,而不是互相恶性竞争,这一点是很必要的:In a world where people become increasingly interdependent, it is imprerative to teach our children how to work with rather than against each other.
imperative: /ɪmˈperətɪv/ adj.
英文释义:(formal) very important and needing immediate attention or action
中文释义: 重要紧急的;迫切的;急需处理的
动词搭配:~ (that...) | ~ (to do sth)
It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week. 我们的当务之急是必须于下周完成。
It is imperative to continue the treatment for at least two months. 必须继续治疗至少两个月。
✨全球确诊病例最多为美国,累计突破23万例,死亡病例为5648例:The United States has reported the most cases, which have surpassed 236,000, along with 5,648 deaths.
✨死亡人数:death toll
✨单日纪录:single day record
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