as the American ages
he formed the company twelve years ago.
but when Hollie is not around
Rudy provides contact with emergency service twenty-four hours a day
I got to be kind of famous in the neighborhood because of this robot
he says the idea for the robotic caregiver was inspired by what his own mother lived through when his grandmother got older.

senior n. 年级较高的人,老年人
affordable adj. 付得起的
in place adv. 原地,就地


cause 90 billion [in damage] 造成了xx的损失
insurance 保险
in a recent academic paper

they are all of limited use
a storm passes over
Harbert survives, but suffers from his injury, narrowly cheating death ?
glossy metal frame 光滑的金属框架
sensor n.传感器
ambitious adj. 有野心的,有雄心的
specification n.规格,说明书;详述
demonstration n.示威游行
equivalent adj. 等价的,相等的
descend v.下降
utility n.adj 实用的,通用的,实用,效用
synopsis n.概要,大纲
mandatory adj.强制的
Swiss army knife n. 瑞士军刀
manipulate v. 操作,操纵,巧妙的处理,篡改
decouple v. 解耦, 分离
deploy v. 部署,配置
manually adv. 手动地
consistent adj. 一致的,连续的
object-oriented adj. 面向对象的
a class of adj. 一类
phase n. 阶段
lifecycle n. 生命周期
define-definite-definition v. 定义- adj. 明确的- n. 定义,规定,解释
as though prep. 仿佛,好像
evaluate v. 评估,评价,鉴定
analog n. 相似物,类似物
statement n. 说明,陈述,声明
alteration n. 改变,变化,变更
encourage v. 鼓励,激励,促进
emulate v. 模仿,竞争
performance costs n. 性能开销
referred to as 被指为,被称为
script 脚本,手迹
sense n. 感觉,意识,识别力
specific adj. 具体的,明确的,特种的
stand for v. 代表
this function takes a string parameter containing code in the language.
typically adv. 通常地,典型地,代表性地
refer to v. 参考;指的是;涉及;适用于。(表明一种谈到,提交到例子的意思)
with respect to 关于,相对于,谈到(至于...)
invocation n. 祈祷,祈求;召唤;调用
derive vt. 源于;获得 vi. 起源
Closures n. 闭包【带s】
aspect n. 事物的具体方面(外表,外观),事物的虚拟方面(一点,方面),方向的方面(方位,朝向)
instance n. 例子,实例
retain v. have kept sth, keep people 雇佣, keep things 保留, keep memory 记住。
access to prep. 接近;有权使用;通向...的入口
be aware of 知道,意识到;觉察到
encounter v. 遭遇,遇到,偶然碰到。
facility n. 设施,设备;容易;灵巧;
sentence n. 句子
sequence n. 序列,顺序;一连串相关事件;一段情节,连续镜头
invoke v. 调用;祈求;引起;恳求
process n. 过程;方法;作用;程序;推移; vt. 处理;加工;vi. 列队前进
practical adj. 实际的,真实的;实用的,务实的;
enterprise n. 企业;事业;进取心,事业心;
concise adj. 简明的,简洁的
familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的; n. 常客;密友
syntax n. 语法
integrate vt,vi. 合并,结合;融入,称为一体;(虚,实);求积分,表示总和; adj. 整合的;完全的
deliver v. 递送,传送;发表演讲;履行承诺,兑现;
deliver to 交付,传达,转交
curve n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线图表; v. 弯曲
seam n. 缝; vt. 缝合;接合;留下伤痕; vi. 裂开;产生裂缝
seamless adj. 无缝的;
domain-specific 特定领域
ecosystem n. 生态系统
consult vt. 查阅;商量;向...请教; vi. 请教;商议;当顾问;
brutal adj. 无情的,野蛮的;伤人的
corrupt adj. 腐败的
demonstration n.(虚)示范,表达;(实)示威,游行
disputed adj. 有争议的
presidential adj. 总统的,首长的
election n. 选举
The Associated Press n. 美国联合通讯社,美联社
unrest n. 不安,动荡
They have since expanded to other cities. 他们后来已经扩大到其他城市。since adv. 曾经,已经
denounce v. 谴责,抨击;告发;
arrest v. 逮捕;阻止;吸引
judge v. 判断 n. 法官
penalty n. 罚款;处罚
death penalty n. 死刑
agreement n. 同意;一致;协议
inflation n. 膨胀,通货膨胀
ministry n. (政府的)部门
foreign ministry 外交部
insult v. 侮辱;损害 insulting adj. 侮辱的
regarding perp. 至于,关于,针对于 a word to introduce the subject you are writing or talking about.
domestic adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的
attend to 注意;照顾,照料;致力于(关注程度由轻到重,关注,照料,致力于)
security forces n. 安全军队
force n. 力量;武力;军队*; v. 促使;迫使;推动
rioter n. 暴徒,暴民,暴乱者
lawbreaker n. 犯法者
deputy n. 代理人,代表 adj. 副的;代理的
Interior Minister 内政部长
Deputy Interior Minister 内政副部长
detain v. 拘留,留住;耽搁
worsening adj. 日益恶化的
condition n. 环境条件;事情条件;天气状况
involve v. 包含;牵涉,牵连;使陷入;潜心于
call on 呼吁
criticism n. 批评;考证;苛求
administration n. 管理;行政;行政机构
concerned adj. 有关的;关心的
in an effort to 企图,试图要
get around 到处走动;逃避;说服
restriction n.限制;约束;束缚
record-setting adj. 创纪录的
blame v. 责备;归咎于 n. 责备;责任;过失
forecaster n. 预报员
forecast v.n. 预测,预报
chill n. 寒冷;寒心 v. 使寒冷,使寒心;冷藏;变冷 adj. 寒冷的;扫兴的
advisory n. 报告;公告
period n. 周期;时期;期间
central adj. 中心的;主要的
celsius adj. 摄氏的 n.摄氏度
mild adj. 温和的;文雅的;轻微的
shelter n. 庇护所 v. 保护;躲避
drop vt. 滴;使降低;使终止;漏出 vi. 下降;终止; n. 滴;落下;空头;微量
sleet vi. 下雨夹雪;下冰雹 vt. 冻雨拍打着;使像下冰雹般落下 n. 雨夹雪;雨凇
spin vi. 旋转;纺纱;吐丝;眩晕 vt. 使旋转;纺纱;编造;结网 n. 旋转;疾驰 过去式spun
emergency n. 紧急清空;突发事件;非常时刻 adj. 紧急的;备用的
be linked to 与...链接;与...关联;与...有联系
ferry v.n 渡船;摆渡;空运
shark n. 鲨鱼;骗子 v. 诈骗,敲诈
officially adv. 正式地
sponsor n.v 赞助;赞助人
cease v.n 停止
incubator n. 孵化器
compact adj. 紧凑的;简洁的
gradually adj. 渐渐地
idiom n. 成语,习语;土话
available adj. 可获得的
implicit adj. 含蓄的;暗示的;盲从的,毫无疑问的,想都不用想的
explicit adj. 明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的
be hosted in 被托管在
effortless 毫不费力的
distribution n. 分布,分配
a bleeding edge version 最前沿的版本
omit v. 省略;遗漏;疏忽;删除
modifier n. 修饰符,修饰语
anonym n. 假名,匿名者;化名
anonymous adj. 匿名的
debut n.v. 初次登场;开张
be married to 嫁给,娶,和...结婚(男女都适用)
He has also performed on stage, launched his own clothing line and debuted on television. 他还在舞台上表演,推出自己的服装系列,并且在电视上首次亮相。
spec n. 规则,说明书
subtle adj. 微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的
in particular 尤其,特别
carry out v.执行;实现;完成;贯彻
consult vt. 请教;查阅;商量 vi. 当顾问;请教;商议
convert v. 转换,转变,改变信仰
finance n. 金融,财政
financial adj. 金融的,财政的
augmented reality n. AR,增强现实
benefit n. 利益,好处,救济金 v. 有益,有利
expert n. 专家,能手 adj. 熟练的,内行的 v. 是专家 expert in
lung n. 肺
northern, southern
staff n. 职员,工作人员;参谋;棍,棒
flagstaff n. 旗杆
sedentary adj. 久坐的;静坐的
uptake n. 摄取,摄入;领会,理解
immune adj. 免疫的 n. 免疫者 immune system 免疫系统
flu n. 流感
mental adj. 精神的;脑力的 mental health 精神健康
exposure n. 暴露;曝光;揭露
wind chill n. 风寒
chill n. 寒冷,寒意
frostbite n. 冻疮,冻伤
symptom n. 症状;征兆
pale adj. 苍白的;无力的;暗淡的 v. 失色
shiver adj.n.v 颤抖,颤栗
high-end adj. 高端的,高档的
flavor n. 情味,风味;香料;滋味 v. 给...加味
pipeline n. 管道;管线;渠道
manipulate v. 操纵,操作;处理,篡改
initial adj. 最初的,字首的
initialize v. 初始化
initialization n. 初始化
indice 指数,标记(math. 数组的下标)

consecutive 连续的,连贯的,不断的
The DataStructure outer class, which includes a constructor to create an instance of DataStructure containing an array filled with consecutive integer values

retrieve v.检索
retrieve the current element, and move to the next element.

instantiates 实例,实例化
A main method that instantiates a DataStructure object

even 平坦的,偶数的
invokes the printEven method to print elements of the array arrayOfInts that have an even index value.

refer to
Note that the EvenIterator class refers directly to the arrayOfInts instance variable of the DataStructure object.

anonymous 匿名的

navigate v. 驾驶,操纵;导航
retrieve v. 检索

synchronous adj. 同步的
asynchronous adj. 异步的

A Future represents the result of an asynchronous computation

mechanics n. 力学,结构,技术。
permit v.许可,准许 n. 许可证
be guaranteed to 确保,保证
concurrent 同时发生的,同时运行的,同时存在的。
beep v。发出哔哔声
Here is a class with a method that sets up a ScheduledExecutorService to beep every ten seconds for an hour:

address v. 处理
Thread pools address two different problems

提供一种bounding and managing资源的手段,包括在执行一系列任务时的线程和消耗。
they usually provide improved performance when executing large numbers of asynchronous tasks, due to reduced per-task invocation overhead, and they provide a means of bounding and managing the resources, including threads, consumed when executing a collection of tasks. Each ThreadPoolExecutor also maintains some basic statistics, such as the number of completed tasks.

preconfigure settings for the most common usage scenarios

根据corePoolSize和maxmumPoolSize的边界设置来自动调整pool size
A ThreadPoolExecutor will automatically adjust the pool size (see getPoolSize) according to the bounds set by corePoolSize (see getCorePoolSize) and maximumPoolSize (see getMaximumPoolSize).

idle 闲置的 懒惰的 虚度的 空转的

accommodate 容纳
arbitrary 随意的 任意的 武断的 专制的
you allow the pool to accommodate an arbitrary number of concurrent tasks

possess 拥有
process 处理 加工, 过程 程序, 队列前行

degrad 降级
Threads should possess the "modifyThread" RuntimePermission. If worker threads or other threads using the pool do not possess this permission, service may be degraded

excess 超额 过度,额外的

terminate 使终结,使结束
termination 结束,终止
terminal 终点,末端,终端,极限;末端的,晚期的

transition 过渡,转变,转换
transient 短暂的,路过的
refactor v. 重构
instantiate v. 示例,举例说明
specify v. 指定,详细说明,列举。

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