风烛残年的桑提亚哥很久没捕到鱼了。面对外界巨大的压力和厄运打击时,他永远都保持着一个好斗、永不服输的”硬汉“形象。终于在第85天,老人捕到了一条1500磅的大马林鱼,这是一条和老人一样勇猛好战的勇士。面对在内心孤独、生理的饥饿、疼痛、麻木,老人一直咬牙坚持与未知的敌人缠斗。并说出了金句”人不是为失败而生的。一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败“(Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated)。这位鹤发鸡皮的老人靠着斗志和一艘破旧的小艇,硬是耗死了比自己强壮几倍的大马林鱼。即使最后老天无情的收走了这位可怜老人近在眼前的硕果,他也从未抱怨,而是在上次的失败中总结原因,为下次出海做更好的准备。
Story outline
The book mainly tell a story about a old fisherman whose name is Santiago. He hadn't been catching a fish for long time. But he never said die because he was a scrappy and proud old man. he went to sea with full of the spirit of struggle as usual.And then He caught a big marlin on day eighty-fifth
The fish dragged the boat out the sea but the old man never lose his heart ,even there was no water, no weapon no help.What more his left hand is cramped and numb.They battled in the sea for two days and nights cause the fish was scrappy like the old man too. The old man finally won and he killed the fish and tied it on the side of boat.
But the blood smell of the dead marlin attracted many sharks to coming, and they came in pack and rob the fish meat .He killed these robbers one by one, until he exhausted all of his energy and all weapon was broken .
Soon after ,these robbers ate up the fish,and the old man dragged back a big pair of fish skeleton.When he went home and lay in bed, he could only dream of the good old days to forget the harsh reality. The old fisherman didn't complain about the harsh reality to people instead of thinking about how to improve the fishing equipment for the next sailing.