1.wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round,round and round,round and round
the wheels on the bus go round and round,all over the town
The people on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down
the people on the bus go up and down,all over the town
The door on the bus go open and shut, open and shut,open and shut
the door on the bus go open and shut,all over the town
The horn on the bus go doo doo doo,doo doo doo,doo doo doo
the horn on the bus go doo doo doo,all over the town
The wiper on the bus go swish swish swish, swish swish swish, swish swish swish
the wiper on the bus go swish swish swish,all over the town
The wheels on the bus go round and round,round and round,round and round
the wheels on the bus go round and round,all over the town
2.单词:bus wheels round up down open shut wiper
在孩子有一定理解力的时候,他会认识事物,所以bus people 以及wheels wiper 都是可以教他认识的东西,而这些东西在生活中是很常见的。还有相应动作,round open shut up down 可以配合做动作来认识单词。
on the bus 、go up and down 这些短语是可以通过歌谣很好掌握的。特别是介词on的用法。
3.首先我拿出鲤鱼最喜欢的玩具(bus),告诉他我们来了解一下这个bus吧,然后先给他听歌,这首歌的节奏感和重复度非常高,先利用wswp中的歌词,给他看图片,wheels,bus,town这些,然后告诉他我们来跳舞。跟着音乐做手绕圈(round and round),手臂张开闭合(open and shut),站起蹲下(up and down)等,对于动作孩子的记忆会更迅速深刻。在孩子做出动作后,对他表扬"哇,你怎么这么棒!"
4.教学还是挺顺利的。不针对这堂课,孩子总会有喜欢和不喜欢的。孩子不喜欢,就改变教学步骤,从他喜欢的东西入手。如spider的教学中,鲤鱼是有些抵触的。每次讲说我们来学这首歌的时候,他就喜欢跑开或者是打岔。于是我先带他模仿蜘蛛,在地上爬,再爬到沙发上,让他接纳这个事物。然后自己给他唱这个歌,让他熟悉旋律,再播放音频,这时候他没那么抵触了。在播放音频的时候我再带他学蜘蛛爬。逐步加入字卡spout rain sun这些,最后他接纳这首歌了(虽然还不会自己唱)