At 9:20 in the evening, I told Jude that it was time for bed. He replied: " I haven't eaten anything yet, and I can't bear to sleep." - He is greedy, hoping to eat something delicious before going to bed every day. I said: "Then drink milk." He simply agreed, "Okay, drink milk!" " Then he added, "But it can't be just milk, You should give me a set meal anyway."
After lay in bed last night, Jude told me to say goodbye to him tomorrow morning when I wake up to go to work. I agreed and let him go to sleep. This morning, I got up lightly, so as not to wake him up, when I walked to the door of the bedroom, he suddenly said "bye bye, Daddy ". I quickly answered: "bye bye, Honey" At that moment, I was really touched.
I love you very much, my Jude.