How can robots help us? level 1 Have you ever seen a robot? They are sup...
How can robots help us? level 2 Have you ever wondered what robots are a...
No.1 At 9:20 in the evening, I told Jude that it was time for bed. He re...
bacterium a type of very small organism that lives in air, earth, water,...
Martina the Beautiful Cockroach 1. Cozy: Something that's comfortable an...
Christopher Columbus. 1451-1506. Christopher Columbus was a sailor. He w...
一、管理"价值流动过程"——看板站会 看板站会的目的是:检视价值流动的状态,促进价值顺畅流动。站会的组织形式也要服务于这一目的。 站会发生在每个...
一、有必要对何勉的表述进行补充阐述之处: 1)何勉所举企业网盘开发的案例中,原始做法的本质问题并非是前、后端的划分。事实上,进入开发后,最终必然...
一、软件项目与工程项目管理有什么本质性的不同呢? 前一篇笔记讨论了软件开发与产品制造的区别。要对软件开发项目的性质做更精准定位,这里还很有必要整...