英文 | 中文 |
I can't tell you where we are, frankly, for our own safety. | 出于安全考虑我不能透露所在位置 |
Systematically we have seen journalists attacked. | 许多记者都遭到了有组织的攻击 |
We would like to be showing you... | 我很想让你们看到现场 |
instead of this strange image of me | 而不是看着我 |
sitting on the floor of an undisclosed location in dim lighting, | 坐在一间隐秘小黑屋的地板上 |
we would like to be showing you pictures... | 我很想让你们看到现场 |
live pictures of what's happening in Tahrir Square right now, | 实时观看解放广场上的情况 |
but we can't do that because our cameras have been taken down. | 但我做不到我们的摄影机被毁了 |
Physically, Elliot, when you say your cameras have been taken down? | 埃利奥特摄影机被毁是怎么回事 |
Through threats and intimidation and through actual physical attacks. | 我们遭遇到威胁恐吓以及人身攻击 |
We're looking at Al Jazeera feed from about six hours ago. | 我们正在看半岛电视台六小时前的转播画面 |
完整版请点击 | |
Can you describe what we're seeing? | 你能描述一下当时的情况吗 |
He can't describe anything except his room. | 他只能描述得了这间房 |
Ask him what's in the minibar. | 还不如问他冰箱里有什么 |
I'd like it if you'd settle down. | 麻烦你安静点好吗 |
Then I think you're gonna be disappointed. | 恐怕得让你失望了 |
And that was roughly 7:00 P.M. in Cairo. | 当时约为开罗时间晚上七点 |
Elliot? | 埃利奥特 |
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Will. | 抱歉抱歉威尔 |
Elliot, can you... | 埃利奥特你能... |
There's gunfire coming from below our hotel room. | 酒店楼下发生了交火 |
- Where's he going? - Out on the balcony. | -他要去哪儿-阳台上 |
- Get back on the air. - Do we still have Elliot? | -快回来-还能连线到埃利奥特吗 |
- Take it. - God damn it! | -接着说-妈的 |
If you're just joining us with dawn about to break in Cairo, | 如果您刚打开电视开罗现在是黎明时分 |
a crowd estimated at over 100,000 people gathered several hours ago | 数十万民众于数小时前 |
in Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital... | 聚集在埃及首都的解放广场上 |
Get back on the fucking air. | 快点回来连线啊 |
Mubarak resign after 18 days of unprecedented pro-democracy protests. | 经过18天空前的民主示威穆巴拉克宣布辞职 |
How long's he gonna be on the balcony? | 他还要在阳台上呆多久 |
...the resignation was expected by President Obama, | 他的辞职在奥巴马总统 |
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, | 法国总统尼古拉·萨科奇 |
and British Prime Minister David Cameron. | 和英国首相大卫·卡梅伦的预料之中 |
But in a 17-minute address, | 但在之前一次17分钟演讲中 |
Mubarak announced that he wouldn't be stepping down, | 穆巴拉克曾宣称无意辞职 |
infuriating the crowd, | 此举激怒了民众 |
which appears to have grown larger and angrier | 一夜间示威民众的规模越来越大 |
throughout this extraordinary night. | 呼声也越来越高 |
We're speaking with our own Elliot Hirsch... | 我们正连线本台记者埃利奥特·赫什 |
No, Elliot's on the balcony singing a song from "Evita." | 埃利奥特在阳台上唱《贝隆夫人》的选段呢 |
描述阿根廷前第一夫人艾薇塔·贝隆生平的音乐剧 第一夫人在阳台上所唱为《阿根廷别为我哭泣》 | |
- ...undisclosed location. - He's back. | -...未知地点-他回来了 |
- Pardon me, Will. - Yeah, is everything all right? | -打扰一下威尔-一切还好吗 |
Uh, that was gunfire. | 确实发生了交火 |
It doesn't appear that anyone's been injured, | 貌似没有人受伤 |
but it is a little hard to tell from where I am. | 但就我所在位置很难确定 |
We're looking at a feed from six hours ago, Elliot. | 我们还在看六小时前的画面埃利奥特 |
Can you describe what's happening in the Square right now? | 能描述一下广场上现在的情况怎样吗 |
Uh, the crowd is surging and spreading. | 民众人数激增并逐渐扩散开来 |
The army has made a ring around Tahrir Square... | 军队已经包围了解放广场 |
Oh, God, are you all right? | 天哪你没事吧 |
It's a glass door. You can't see me standing here? | 这是扇玻璃门你看不见我站在这儿吗 |
Yeah, be quiet. There's a new story. | 安静点又有新事件了 |
We're getting footage of a protest that's forming | 民众准备在威斯康星州的阿普尔顿进行示威 |
in Appleton, Wisconsin. | 我们拿到影像资料了 |
The governor's inside a newspaper office there | 州长在一间报社里 |
and a spontaneous protest of | 有一群教师 |
teachers is happening outside the building right now. | 在报社楼前自行发起示威 |
Yup, go. | 行去吧 |
Call the edit bay and tell them what's happening. | 给剪辑室打个电话说明情况 |
Will, we're going to push the commercial break. | 威尔插播广告取消了 |
A small protest broke out in front of a newspaper office | 一场小型抗议在一报社前爆发 |
where Scott Walker is right now. | 抗议对象是斯科特·沃克 |
So we're cutting the feed. | 所以我们要紧急插播 |
Tap your pen if you understand. | 懂了就敲敲笔 |
And now the protests are spreading out from Tahrir? | 现在抗议者们正从解放广场向外扩散吗 |
- I'm already on it. - Which one? | -我已经在弄了-哪一个 |
- The teachers in Wisconsin. - That's me. | -威斯康星的教师-是我的 |
- What's going on? - The governor of Wisconsin | -发生了什么事-威斯康星州长 |
is pushing a bill through the legislature | 向立法机构提交一份议案 |
to balance the state budget | 为平衡州预算 |
by busting Public Sector Unions, especially teachers, | 而打击政府雇员工会尤其是教师 |
and strip their collective bargaining rights. | 并剥夺他们的集体谈判权 |
The governor is trapped in a newspaper office | 州长被围困在报社里 |
with 75 teachers protesting outside | 75名教师在报社外抗议 |
and by tomorrow it'll be 10,000. | 到明天将会有一万人 |
Yes, but in the meantime, some Egyptians are about to overthrow Egypt. | 与此同时一群埃及人即将颠覆埃及政权 |
- Is there anyone else here? - Nope. | -这儿还有别人吗-没有 |
Okay. We got two packages to cut and only one editor. | 有两份素材要剪辑却只有一位编辑 |
Cory, if I promise I understand the irony, | 科莉我冒险问一句 |
can I break union rules and sit at this bay? | 我能打破工会规矩自己动手剪辑吗 |
Will you talk to someone about hiring more editors? | 你会找上面谈谈再多雇些编辑吗 |
Talk is all I can promise. But I'm on your side. | 我只能答应"谈谈"但我站在你这边 |
Go ahead. Where do you want to start? | 你剪吧你想从哪里开始剪 |
It's around 12:20. He starts the answer with "We have in state government." | 12分20秒左右他回答说"在我上任前" |
- We have in state government... - Right there. | -在我上任前-就这儿 |
...before I'd taken office, plans for contingencies | 州政府已有各种应急措施 |
no matter what the circumstances. | 来应对任何情况 |
We have updated those. | 我们又对其进行了更新 |
I've had a full briefing for all the major level one | 我昨天已向所有主要的一级政府机构 |
state agencies as well as the National Guard yesterday. | 和国民警卫队作了陈述 |
- Cut it there. - Cut it there. | -在这儿切-在这儿切 |
Pay attention to your thing. | 管好你自己的事 |
Right there where the teachers are chanting. | 到那为止教师喊口号那里 |
Hey hey, ho ho, selfish Scott has got to go. | 嘿嘿嚯嚯自私的斯科特下台哟 |
Cut it there. That's the package. Render it. | 在这儿切渲染一下 |
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. | 快点快点 |
I'm about to have my "Broadcast News" Moment. | 我的"广播新闻"时刻要来了 |
There are at least nine things | 从这到控制室的途中 |
between here and the control room I can trip over. | 至少有九样东西能把我绊倒 |
It's 2011. We don't move film manually anymore. | 都2011年了不必亲自去送素材 |
You're gonna have to move this manually. | 这个必须亲自去送 |
It's taking too long to render both at the same time. | 同时渲染两个素材耗时太长了 |
- Grab a thumb drive, - Can I use a thumb drive, | -拿个U盘-我可以拿个U盘 |
完整版请点击 | |
- throw it in the USB, - put it in the USB, | -插进USB口-插进USB口 |
- copy the raw file to the drive, - copy the raw file, and I'll | -原始文件拷进U盘-原始文件拷进U盘 |
- and run to the control room. - take it down to control? | -再跑去控制室-再跑去控制室 |
I'm right behind you. | 我随后就来 |
So as we mentioned, there are thousands currently | 如刚才所说现有成千上万的人 |
outside of state TV and parliament | 聚集在国家电视台和议会外 |
and a call for 25 million... | 要求2500万... |
There's a group of protesters headed towards Heliopolis. | 一群抗议者正涌向赫里奥波里斯 |
Ask him if he knows anything about the protesters | 问他是否知道抗议示威者 |
heading towards the presidential palace. | 涌向总统府的事 |
We're getting information about protesters | 我们得到消息说抗议示威者 |
heading towards the presidential palace in Heliopolis. | 正涌向赫里奥波里斯的总统府 |
I don't know anything about that. | 我对此毫不知情 |
'Cause you're in the Cairo Radisson. | 因为你在开罗丽笙酒店里 |
Does he look happy about that? | 你以为他乐意这样吗 |
It's hard for me to tell | 很难分辨 |
from the incredibly high-resolution pictures we're getting. | 我们的图像分辨率太高了 |
I'm as frustrated as you are, Don, | 我也着急唐 |
but I'm not sending an American journalist into that protest. | 但我不会把一名美国记者派到抗议现场 |
Trust me, I'm an American journalist. | 相信我我也是美国记者 |
That's the Walker press conference and the teachers in Appleton unrendered. | 沃克的记者招待会和阿普尔顿的教师未渲染的 |
- Got it. - I didn't trip over anything on the way. | -知道了-我没被任何东西绊倒 |
Sorry! | 抱歉 |
- Oh, my God. I'm sorry. - Are you kidding me? | -天哪对不起-你在玩我吗 |
- Sorry. - Raw file? | -抱歉-原始文件吗 |
Let's pivot now. | 转换话题 |
All right, Elliot Hirsch reporting from Cairo. | 以上是由埃利奥特·赫什从开罗发来的报道 |
We'll be coming back to you, Elliot. | 稍后再与你连线埃利奥特 |
Why? | 为什么 |
Where are you going? | 你去哪儿 |
I'm gonna find someone who's on the ground. | 我要找个在抗议现场的家伙 |
What is shocking is to hear an American governor | 令人震惊的是一州州长 |
threaten to call up the National Guard. | 竟威胁要召集国民警卫队 |
But that's just what Scott Walker, | 然而斯科特·沃克 |
the commander in chief of the Wisconsin National Guard, | 作为该州国民警卫队的总司令 |
did today in defending his Wisconsin budget repair bill. | 为捍卫他的预算修正案而出此下策 |
Anyone with producer in their title, conference room. | 各类"制片人"去会议室集合 |
- Sloan. - I'm not a producer. | -斯隆-我不是制片人 |
I need you. Can you wait a minute? | 我需要你你能等会再走吗 |
Ugh, I was this close. | 就差了几步 |
You know I'd have had security stop you downstairs. | 你知道我会让楼下保安拦住你的 |
- I know. - I'll be just a couple of minutes. | -我知道-只占用你几分钟 |
Okay, but sometimes you ask me to wait | 好的但有几次你让我等着 |
and then you forget that you did | 你自己却给忘了 |
and you call me from home at 11:00 and say sorry. | 到了半夜11点再从家里给我打电话道歉 |
- How many times has that happened? - Twice. | -发生过几次-两次 |
Well, I really was sorry. | 我的道歉是真心的 |
I'll sit and watch TV. | 我先坐着看电视吧 |
Does anyone know where there's a TV? | 谁知道哪有电视看吗 |
Honey, I'm sorry. I need 20 minutes. | 亲爱的对不起再等20分钟就好 |
No, I can see. Is Egypt still a country? | 没事埃及还是一个国家吗 |
Yeah, it's just a new one. | 是但是换新颜了 |
I happen to be an Egyptologist if you want me on tomorrow. | 你若明天需要我我正好是埃及古物专家 |
Since when are you an Egyptologist? | 你何时成埃及古物专家了 |
I can be one by tomorrow. | 需要的话明天就能是 |
Go to Hang Chew's, get a drink, and I'll meet you there. | 去杭州饮食吧点杯酒等我我很快就来 |
Yes, boss. | 遵命 |
- Herb. - Yes, ma'am? | -赫布-什么事 |
We were 17 seconds heavy on Bernanke, | 伯南克那段多了17秒 |
美联储主席当日新闻为 伯南克出席众议院听证会谈未来的救市政策 | |
which meant we had to squeeze... | 所以得压缩... |
- Wait, wait. Everybody watch this. - There's nothing to watch. | -等等大家看这里-看什么看 |
- She has to subtract with her fingers. - I don't have to. | -她做减法要用手指-我不用 |
We were 17 seconds heavy on Bernanke, | 伯南克那段多了17秒 |
which means we had to squeeze Bill Kristol down to what? | 所以得把比尔·克里斯托压缩到多少 |
新保守主义政治评论家当日新闻为 克里斯托公开抨击格伦·贝克的埃及示威阴谋论 | |
2:13. | 2分13秒 |
And Will took tap dancing lessons when he was 11. | 威尔11岁时还学踢踏舞了呢 |
And Mackenzie thought "This Old House" | 麦肯兹认为《老房家装》 |
was working on the same house every week. | 每周装修的是同一栋房子 |
Everyone in the conference room. And that was reasonable. | 大家都来会议室我那错误可以理解 |
It took six months to build the city of Dubai. | 建迪拜城才花了六个月 |
You think they were renovating | 你以为他们15年来 |
the same mid-century colonial for 15 years? | 在一次次重建同一栋中世纪房屋吗 |
- Let's go. - How many kitchens do you think that house had? | -工作了-你以为那房子有多少间厨房 |
That'll do. Let's get serious. | 够了讲正经事 |
I'll begin by saying that | 首先我想告诉大家 |
Will cries when he watches the movie "Rudy." | 威尔每次看《追梦赤子心》都会哭 |
- No, I don't. - Cries like an onion. | -我没哭-哭得跟洋葱似的 |
Onions make you cry. They don't themselves experience emotion. | 洋葱能催泪但本身没有情感 |
The way you experience emotion when you watch "Rudy." | 就像你看《追梦赤子心》时的情感吗 |
One scene, one moment, once in a while. | 一幕戏一瞬间偶尔一次 |
- The jersey scene? - Yes. | -放球衫那幕-没错 |
Everybody cries at the jersey scene. | 人人看到那都哭了 |
- Jim? - I never saw it. | -吉姆-我没看过 |
You haven't seen "Rudy"? | 你没看过《追梦赤子心》 |
What were you doing when everyone else your age was living their lives? | 你的童年都花在什么上了 |
- My homework. - "My homework." | -写作业-"写作业" |
I didn't think I'd be the only one to say that. | 我以为大家都会是这反应 |
I thought I'd have the safety of a mob. | 以为会淹没在嘲笑声中 |
Listen up, 'cause it's Rudy's last chance to dress for a game. | 听好了那是鲁迪最后一次穿球服的机会 |
- I shouldn't have started this. - Well, you did. | -我真不该提这茬-晚了 |
NCAA rules only allow a certain number of players to be in uniform. | 大学体育协会只允许一定数目的队员穿队服 |
And every time the list goes up, Rudy's name is left off it. | 每次公布名单时鲁迪都落榜 |
And the list for the last game goes up | 最后一次的名单公布 |
and Rudy's name is left off it again. | 鲁迪再一次落榜 |
Four years of futility. | 四年徒劳无功 |
First he's got to make the grades to get in the school. | 他刻苦学习好不容易进了大学 |
Then he's got to make the practice squad. | 通过努力进了训练队 |
And he's getting creamed by guys twice his size. | 进队后又被彪形大汉当靶子练 |
But he doesn't care because it's all about the team. | 但他不在乎因为进队是他的梦想 |
And all he wants is to just once to be on the list to dress for a game. | 他只希望能上名单打一场球 |
And it's the last game of his last year of college and he's not on the list. | 可他大学的最后一场球赛依然没上名单 |
- So one by one... - Here it is. | -于是一个接一个-泪点来了 |
...the players come to the coach's office | 队员们来到教练办公室 |
and put their jerseys down on the desk. | 把球衫放在桌上 |
- And say, "Coach"... - "I want to take a shower with Rudy." | -说道"教练"-"我想和鲁迪一起洗澡" |
No, they don't. | 别胡扯 |
They walk in one by one, put their jerseys on the desk | 他们一个个走进去把球衫放在桌上 |
and say, "Coach, I want Rudy to take my place on Saturday." | 说道"教练周六我想让鲁迪替我" |
And there's a whole line snaking out | 教练办公室前 |
of the coach's office of players holding their jerseys. | 手拿球衫的队员排起了长龙 |
- Jim, your forehead is bleeding. - It is. | -吉姆你额头流血了-是啊 |
- I accidently hit him with a door. - Twice. | -我不小心用门撞了他-两次 |
Move your hair out of the way. | 把头发掀开 |
- It is bleeding. - Could you grab the first aid kit? | -出血了-去拿急救箱 |
- Yeah. - I'm fine. | -好的-我没事 |
- Where's Don? - I don't know. | -唐呢-我不知道 |
I saw him slip out after Elliot's segment. | 埃利奥特那段结束后他溜出去了 |
Well, that's what I want to talk about. | 我正想说呢 |
We're 18 days into this | 已经跟了18天了 |
and I'm sick of pulling pool feed from the wires. | 我不想再用别家的画面了 |
I've seen the same footage | NBC的带子两小时内 |
we're using licensed NBC three times in the last two hours. | 我们已经放过三遍 |
Nilesat keeps popping on and off. | 里面尼罗河卫星台的台标还时隐时现 |
And mostly, we can't cover this from a hotel room. | 更重要的是人在酒店里没法报道 |
We need someone on the ground. | 得有人去现场 |
It's too dangerous on the ground. | 现场太危险了 |
- For an American. - You want to get a stringer? | -那是对美国人-你想找特约通讯员吗 |
Someone local. Someone who can blend in with the crowd. | 找当地人能隐藏在人群之中的 |
Someone who's credible with both us and the protesters. | 并且要对我们和抗议人都可信 |
And someone who can shoot and cut and knows to check audio. | 这人还得会摄像会剪接会检查音频 |
You live on the Internet. Have you been tracking anyone? | 你整天泡在网上能找到这样的人吗 |
I absolutely have the guy. | 绝对能找到 |
Excuse us. | 稍等 |
Do you know what you're... ow. | 你到底会不会 |
Do you know what you're... ow. | 你到底会不会 |
Do you know what you're doing? Ow. | 你到底会不会弄啊 |
- I could have been a doctor. - What happened? | -我差点就当医生了-差了什么 |
- Well, I didn't go to medical school or anything. - Okay. | -我没去学医-好吧 |
It's another "TMI" story. | 又一篇TMI报道 |
And it'll be picked up by Page Six. | 肯定会上《第六版》的 |
- How many different ways - It's online today | -我说过多少次-今天上了网络 |
do I have to say I'm not going | 你才会相信 |
- to play on that court? - and in print tomorrow. | -我是不会理他们的-明天就会上报 |
- We have to engage this time. - What does it say? | -这次我们得应战了-这次又说什么 |