
英文 中文
Sharon is a very funny woman, 莎伦真幽默
个人主义强调个人的自由和个人的重要性 反对"要求个人牺牲其私利以达成'更高'社会目标"
but she has less faith in American individualism than I do. 但她比我对美国个人主义更没有信心
Hang on, I have plenty of-- 慢着我很有...
When did I ever express any lack of faith? 我什么时候说没信心了
08年大选期间麦凯恩针对奥巴马提出的"财富均沾" 攻击奥巴马为社会主义者[美国人谈"社"色变]
I didn't say and never said that Barack Obama was a socialist. 我绝对没说过奥巴马是社会主义者
- Seriously? - What I said and I have always said... -当真吗-我一直都是这么说...
Lewis, you are begging me to run a sound package 路易斯别逼我放录音
Monday morning that shows you hundreds of times 周一早上你无数次地宣称
calling the president a socialist. 总统是社会主义者
I'll read your columns on the air. 我可以现场读一段你的专栏
The policies are... look up the definition, 我指的是政策去查字典
my friend... they're socialist. 那些都是社会主义政策
By your definition, so were Ronald Reagan's. 照你这么说罗纳德·里根也是了
共和党总统里根虽大力减税但上台后也曾加过税 这里讽刺对方狭义地把加税等同于社会主义
What do you think taxes are? 你以为收税是为了什么
That was the last great president. 里根之后就没出过伟大领袖了
American individualism can't build roads. 个人主义又不能拿来修路
- An individual... - Go on, get it all out. -个人...-说吧尽管说
Thank you, since the question was addressed to me. 多谢这问题本来就是问我的
An individual can't build a school 单凭个人建不起学校
or assemble an army... 也集结不了军队
No one's talking about disbanding the army. 没有人说要解散军队
So we can agree that the government is good for that? 这点上政府是有好处的承认吗
- Yes. Fine. - Yes. -对行了-很好
A fire department: Good idea or bad idea? 消防局是不是好主意
You are getting so worked up, Sharon. 你别太激动莎伦
I'm afraid you're gonna start shooting light out of your ass. 小心屁股着火了
Good idea or bad idea on the fire department? 有消防局到底是好还是坏
美国部分地区消防私营化家庭要定期缴纳防火费 而奥巴马支持消防国有化
Or should it be a private fire department 难道你喜欢私营的消防局
that only comes to your burning house if you paid your monthly fire bill? 按期交了保护费他们才会来救火
I am more than happy to pay for a fire department. 我很乐意交钱给消防局
I am not happy to pay for a painting 但我不愿意把钱花在
that I don't wanna look at, poetry I don't wanna read. 我不想看的画作和不想读的诗词上面
You can't skip right to the NEA! 你不能直奔艺术基金会问题
And you cannot skip right to the army. 你也不能直奔军事问题
...00004% of the federal budget 只占0.00004% 的联邦预算
and is code for New York, jewish, perverted, and gay. 而纽约满街都是犹太人变态和同性恋
- Will. - Yes, sir. -威尔-什么
Anything to add? 你要补充吗
I think we'd need a more precise definition of "Perverted." "变态"的涵义太广了
Okay. 好的
We'll go on to the next question. 下一个问题
- You, sir. - My name's Steven. -有请-我叫史蒂文
I'm a junior and my question is for Will McAvoy. 大三的学生我想问威尔·麦卡沃伊
Do you consider yourself a Democrat, 你认为自己是民主党
a Republican, or Independent? 共和党还是无党派
I consider myself a New York Jets fan, Steven. 我是纽约喷气机队的球迷
Since it's been brought up, 既然有人问起
you've almost religiously avoided stating 你一向刻意回避提及你的政治倾向
or even implying a political allegiance. 连丝毫暗示都没有过
Is that because as a news anchor 是否因为作为新闻主播
you feel the integrity of your broadcast would be compromised? 你觉得会影响你主持节目的客观性呢
That sounds like a good answer. I'll take it. 这回答不错就它了
There was a short piece on Vanity Fair's website 《名利场》网站上有一篇短评
by Marshall Westbrook-- you probably saw it-- 马歇尔·威斯布鲁克写的你可能看过
where he calls you the "Jay Leno of news anchors." 他称你为"新闻界的杰·雷诺"
- You're popular because you don't bother anyone. - Yeah. -大家都喜欢你因为你不找茬-是的
How do you feel about that? 你对此作何感想
Jealous of the size of Jay's audience. 我羡慕他的收视率
Are you willing to say here tonight 今晚你愿不愿意表个态
whether you lean right or left? 是右派还是左派
I've voted for candidates run by both major parties. 两派的候选人我都投过票
Let's move on to the next question. 下一个问题吧
- Go ahead. - Hi. My name is Jenny. -有请-大家好我叫珍妮
I'm a sophomore, and this is for all three of you. 大二学生这问题我想问你们三位
Can you say in one sentence or less... 请用不超过一句话...
Um, you know what I mean. 你们懂我意思
Can you say why America is the greatest country in the world? 请问为什么美国是世上最伟大的国家
Diversity and opportunity. 多元性和机遇
Lewis. 路易斯
Freedom and freedom. So let's keep it that way. 自由还是自由永远都要自由
Will. 威尔
The New York Jets. 纽约喷气机队
No, I'm gonna hold you to an answer on that. 不行你一定得回答
What makes America the greatest country in the world? 为什么美国是世上最伟大的国家
Well, Lewis and Sharon said it... 路易斯和莎伦都说了
diversity and opportunity and freedom and freedom. 多元性和机遇自由和自由
I'm not letting you go back to the airport without answering the question. 你不回答我是不会放你走的
Well, our Constitution is a masterpiece. 我们的宪法是一项杰作
James Madison was a genius. 詹姆斯·麦迪逊总统是个天才
The Declaration of Independence is, for me, 对我而言独立宣言
the single greatest piece of American writing. 是美国文学史上最伟大的作品
You don't look satisfied. 你看起来还不满意
One's a set of laws and the other's a declaration of war. 前者是一套法律后者是宣战稿
I want a human moment from you. 我要看到你的性情
What about the people? Why is America... 谈谈国民如何美国为什么...
It's not the greatest country in the world, Professor. 美国不是最伟大的国家教授
That's my answer. 这就是我的答案
- You're saying... - Yes. -你是说...-没错
- Let's talk about... - Fine. Sharon, the NEA is a loser. -我们来谈...-莎伦艺术基金会就是个败家子
Yeah, it accounts for a penny out of our paycheck, 没错它是花不了多少税款
but he gets to hit you with it any time he wants. 可却给他机会次次拿来咬你
It doesn't cost money, it costs votes. 你们吵来吵去浪费的不是钱是投票数
It costs airtime and column inches. 浪费广播时间和专栏空间
You know why people don't like liberals? 为什么人们不喜欢自由派
Because they lose. 因为他们总是输
If liberals are so fuckin' smart, 要是他们有那么聪明
how come they lose so goddamn always? 又怎么会他妈的次次输
And with a straight face you're gonna tell students 而你居然好意思告诉学生
that America is so star-spangled awesome 我们美国已经牛逼透顶
that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? 是世上唯一拥有自由的国家吗
Canada has freedom. Japan has freedom. 加拿大有自由日本有自由
The U.K., France, Italy, Germany, 英国法国意大利德国
Spain, Australia. Belgium has freedom! 西班牙澳洲比利时都有自由
207 sovereign states in the world, 全球207个主权国家中
like 180 of them have freedom. 大概有180个都有自由
- All right... - And, yeah, you, sorority girl. -好了...-还有你联谊会女生
Just in case you accidentally wander into a voting booth one day, 以免你以后不小心乱入了投票站
there are some things you should know, 有些事你是要知道的
and one of them is there is absolutely no evidence to support the statement 比如你的问题根本毫无根据
that we're the greatest country in the world. 美国是世上最伟大的国家吗
We're seventh in literacy, 27th in math, 我们识字率排第7数学第27
22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 科学排第22预期寿命第49
178th in infant mortality, 婴儿死亡率排178
third in median household income, 平均家庭收入排第3
number four in labor force, and number four in exports. 劳动力排第4出口额排第4
We lead the world in only three categories: 只有三项我们是榜首
Number of incarcerated citizens per capita, 监禁人员所占总人口比重
number of adults who believe angels are real, 相信天使的成年人数量
and defense spending where we spend 和国防开支
more than the next 26 countries combined, 这项支出比后面26个国家的总和还多
25 of whom are allies. 其中25个还是盟国
Now, none of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, 当然这都不是你这个20岁大学生的错
but you nonetheless are without a doubt 但你却毋庸置疑
a member of the worst period generation period ever period. 是史上最差劲的这一代人的典型
So when you ask what makes us 所以你问我是什么造就了
the greatest country in the world, 这个最伟大的国度
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. 我真不懂你他妈在放什么狗屁
Yosemite? 国家公园吗
We sure used to be. 我们的确辉煌过
We stood up for what was right. 我们为正义而拼
We fought for moral reasons. 为道德而战
We passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. 因合乎道德而立良法因违背道德而废恶法
We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. 我们要消灭的是贫穷不是穷人
We sacrificed. We cared about our neighbors. 甘愿牺牲关心邻里
We put our money where our mouths were and we never beat our chest. 勤劳踏实不空口说大话
We built great big things, 我们有过伟大的发明
made ungodly technological advances, 有过逆天的科学创造
explored the universe, cured diseases, 探索太空治愈疾病
and we cultivated the world's greatest artists 培育出了最出色的艺术家
and the world's greatest economy. 和最强盛的经济体
We reached for the stars, acted like men. 我们敢于挑战同时心怀谦逊
We aspired to intelligence. We didn't belittle it. 我们崇尚智慧而非鄙视
It didn't make us feel inferior. 我们不以聪明为耻
We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election 我们不凭"投票给了谁"来区分人
and we didn't... we didn't scare so easy. 也不像现在如此轻易畏惧
Ahem, we were able to be all these things and do all these things 以前之所以能做到这些
because we were informed. 是因为我们信息充足
By great men, men who were revered. 有受人尊敬的伟大人物告知我们
The first step in solving any problem 解决问题的第一步
is recognizing there is one. 是要承认问题的存在
America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. 美国再也不是世上最伟大的国家了
Enough? 满意了
What the fuck was that? 你他妈脑残了吗
Are you out of your mind? That was a kid. 你疯了吧朝着个孩子吼
I'm sorry! I'm taking medicine for vertigo 对不起我吃了治头晕的药
and I think it works because I've got it. 果然吃了就晕了
You're in trouble, man. You can't talk to me like that. 你麻烦大了老兄怎么能这样说话
- Do you need a doctor? - Jesus Christ. -你要看医生吗-天啊
Listen, listen! 听我说
What did I say out there? 我刚在里面说了什么
I'm excited to meet them, too, but... 我也很想见他们但是...
I'm excited to meet them, too, but not tonight. 我也很想见他们但是今晚不行
- It's just too soon. - When did you decide that? -太早了-你何时决定的
I really can't pinpoint the time. 说不上来具体是什么时候
I have to get back into my meeting. 我要回去开会了
It's not a meeting, it's a party. 才不是开会明明就是派对
- There's pizza. - We've been dating for four months -里面有披萨-我们约会才四个月
and I think that's too soon to meet her parents. 我认为现在见家长太早了
That's like level three stuff. 那是第三阶段才会做的事
We're at level two. Can I get a ruling? 我们还在第二阶段你来评评理
When your conversation started in front of my desk, 当你们在我桌前展开对话时
I was concerned that I'd been caught in the middle of something personal, 我担心了半天怕被扯进你俩的私事中
but I can see now that I was worried for nothing. 现在我发现自己白担心了
I think it's too soon to meet your parents. 我认为现在不是见家长的时候
I'm not comfortable with it. Can you respect that? 我觉得不合适你能尊重我吗
I've been telling them about you for months. 我跟他们说你都说了几个月了
- What am I supposed to say? - That I had to work late. -我要怎么跟他们说-说我要加班
- Why? - Why does anybody ever have to work late? -原因呢-加班还能有什么原因
They don't. They're usually lying. 说加班都是借口
That's true, but I know that you can sell it. 没错但我相信你能蒙过去
Now why would you make a dumb decision when I'm offering... 为什么你要做愚蠢的决定你可以...
Loyalty... I'm making a dumb decision out of loyalty. 忠诚我做愚蠢的决定是出于忠诚
You're making a smart one out of ambition. 你做聪明的决定是出于野心
Yeah. 是的
He can't remember your name, Maggie, 玛姬他连你的名字都记不牢
and I'm the asshole. 我反倒成了坏人了
I was an intern and he promoted me to his assistant. 他把我从实习生提拔为助理
He didn't promote you, honey. 亲爱的他没有提拔你
He thought you were his assistant. 他以为你就是他的助理
You have to go back to your pizza meeting, 你去继续你的披萨会议吧
but could you do me a favor and not talk about us in front of... 但你能不能别大庭广众地说我们的私事
Everybody here knows. Nobody here cares. 大家都知道没人会在意
They will once we start fighting in the middle of the newsroom 我们在编辑室里吵起来就会有人在意了
and one of us is gonna get fired. 到时候你我必有一个会被炒鱿鱼
Do you think it's gonna be the hotshot EP out of Columbia J-school 你觉得被炒的会是哥大毕业的执行制片
or you think it's gonna be the intern who got accidentally promoted to assistant? 还是我这个意外被升职为助理的实习生
You're making a mistake. 你这是在犯傻
I'm used to them by now. 我已经习惯了
- Loyalty? - Yep. -忠诚-是的
He just walked into his office 他刚才走进办公室
without noticing that his staff isn't here. 压根没留意到员工都不见了
Text me when you're done with your parents tonight. 你父母离开后给我发个短信
Where's... where is everybody? 人呢人都去哪了
Welcome back, man. 欢迎回来
Thanks. Where is everybody? 谢谢人都去哪了
You gotta go up to see Charlie. 查理找你
Okay. Where is everybody? 好的人都去哪了
I have strict orders from Charlie 查理严格交代
not to say anything until he's talked to you first. 你们见面之前我半个字不能说
I've got a meeting. 我要开会了
What's going on? 怎么回事
Okay. 好的
Couldn't say the answer from over there? 站在那边就不能回答吗
- Welcome back. - Thank you. -欢迎回来-谢谢
- Charlie Skinner needs to see you in his office. - Now? -查理·斯金纳要你去他办公室-现在吗
- He said as soon as you come in. - What's-- You're Ellen? -他让你一回来就去-你叫艾伦
- Maggie... Margaret. - What's going on? -是玛姬...玛格丽特-怎么回事
We know as little as you do. 我们知道的不比你多
- Really? - Almost as little as you do. -是吗-多那么一点点
What's the part that you know that I don't? 哪一点点
- You should talk to Charlie Skinner. - Where's Karen? -你要去找查理·斯金纳-凯伦在哪
- There's no one who works here named Karen. - My assistant. -这里没有叫凯伦的-她是我助理
- I'm your assistant. - You're Ellen. -我是你的助理-你是艾伦
- Margaret. - Okay. -是玛格丽特-行
Uh, I'll let his secretary know you're on your way. 我会告诉他的秘书说你这就去
- Her name is Karen. - No one's named Karen. No one. -她叫凯伦-没有凯伦这人
- All right. - I'll call up for you. -好吧-我帮你打电话
Angela, hi. It's Maggie from downstairs. 安琪拉我是楼下的玛姬
- You can go on in. He's waiting for you. - Thank you. -您可以进去了他在等你-谢谢
You own this now, my friend. You have bought it. 归你了我的朋友你已经买下了
You have paid for it and you have the receipt. 你付了钱收据在手
I wanna be crystal clear: This is yours. 咱们说清楚已经是你的了
You're wearing it. 恕不退还
- Henry wants me to make sure you know that. - Wait. -亨利要我跟你解释清楚这点-稍等
Mr. Will McAvoy has just stepped into my office, 威尔·麦卡沃伊刚走进了我的办公室
so I need to walk him through this. 我要跟他解释清楚这事
- Shit, how much does he know? - You're on speaker. -见鬼他知道多少-我开了免提
I don't know anything. Who is this? 我什么都不知道你是谁
Heh-hey, Will! How was the vaca... 威尔假期如何
Welcome back. You look great. 欢迎回来精神不错啊
I don't know what just happened there. 刚才这出是什么
Two weeks in St. Lucia was just what the doctor ordered, literally. 医生还真给你开了"去圣卢西亚玩两周"的处方
- You've got pictures? - No. -有拍照吗-没有
Don't worry about it. TMZ does. 没关系TMZ[八卦网站]有拍
- You were down there with Erin Andrews. - There's a picture? -你跟艾琳·安德鲁斯在一起-被拍到了吗
No, that was a trap, but I knew you were seeing her. 没有我在试你但我知道你去见了她


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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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