英文 | 中文 |
20 seconds to VTR. | 20秒开播 |
Stand by, 13-27. | 13-27预备 |
Joey, ready on graphics. | 乔伊字幕准备 |
Let's check the stack on file 102. | 检查102号文件的存储 |
15 seconds to VTR. | 15秒开播 |
Stand by, roll-in, stand by, SOT 1. | 切换信号预备1号新闻带预备 |
- Standing. - 10 seconds. | -预备就绪-10秒 |
Ready, roll-in, ready, SOT 1. | 切换信号准备1号新闻带准备 |
- Ready. - In four, three, two, one. | -准备就绪-4321 |
Roll-in. | 切换信号 |
I welcome these hearings because of the opportunity | 我支持这一系列听证会的原因是 |
完整版请点击 | |
that they provide to the American people | 国人能通过听证会 |
to better understand why the tragedy of 9/11 happened | 更透彻地了解911悲剧为何会发生 |
and what we must do to prevent a reoccurrence. | 并认识到如何才能避免悲剧重演 |
I also welcome the hearings because it is finally a forum | 我支持听证会还因为我想借此机会 |
where I can apologize | 作出道歉 |
to the loved ones of the victims of 9/11. | 向911遇难者的家属朋友道歉 |
To them who are here in the room, | 向在场的各位道歉 |
to those who are watching on television, | 向电视机前的观众道歉 |
your government failed you. | 政府辜负了你们 |
Those entrusted with protecting you | 受托保护你们的机构与人员 |
failed you. | 辜负了你们 |
And I failed you. | 我辜负了你们 |
Good evening. I'm Will McAvoy. | 晚上好我是威尔·麦卡沃伊 |
This is "News Night," And that was a clip | 这里是《晚间新闻》您刚才看到的 |
of Richard Clarke, former counterterrorism chief | 是在乔治·布什总统任期内的前反恐事务主管 |
to President George W. Bush, | 理查德·克拉克的发言片段 |
testifying before Congress on March 24, 2004. | 2004年3月24日在国会的一段声明 |
Americans liked that moment. | 国人喜欢那个时刻 |
I liked that moment. | 我喜欢那个时刻 |
Adults should hold themselves accountable for failure. | 成年人应该为自己的失败负责 |
And so tonight I'm beginning this newscast | 因此在今晚节目的开始 |
by joining Mr. Clarke in apologizing | 请容我学习克拉克先生作出道歉 |
to the American people for our failure. | 为我们的失职向国人道歉 |
The failure of this program during the time I've been in charge of it | 在我负责期间本节目未能起到 |
to successfully inform and educate the American electorate. | 报道信息和引导选民的作用 |
Let me be clear that I don't apologize on behalf of all broadcast journalists, | 在此声明我的道歉不代表所有新闻工作者 |
nor do all broadcast journalists owe an apology. | 也并非所有新闻工作者都需要道歉 |
I speak for myself. | 我只代表自己 |
I was an accomplice to a slow and repeated and unacknowledged | 在我的推波助澜下我们步入了缓慢、反复 |
and unamended train wreck of failures | 不自觉、不加修正的一系列失职 |
that have brought us to now. | 落到如斯田地 |
I'm a leader in an industry that miscalled election results, | 在我的引领下新闻业误报选举结果 |
hyped up terror scares, ginned up controversy, | 散播"恐"慌挑拨争端 |
and failed to report on tectonic shifts in our country. | 却对国家面对的巨变避而不报 |
From the collapse of the financial system | 忽视了金融体系的崩溃 |
to the truths about how strong we are | 忽视了我们的真实力量 |
to the dangers we actually face. | 更忽视了我们真正面临的危险 |
I'm a leader in an industry that misdirected | 在我的引领下新闻业 |
your attention with the dexterity of Harry Houdini | 利用魔术戏法误导公众视线 |
while sending hundreds of thousands of our bravest | 未尽职调查便将数十万 |
young men and women off to war without due diligence. | 英勇的年轻人推上了战场 |
尼尔, 威尔发给我的 | |
The reason we failed isn't a mystery. | 失职的原因显而易见 |
We took a dive for the ratings. | 一味追求收视率 |
In the infancy of mass communications, | 大众传媒发展初期 |
the Columbus and Magellan of broadcast journalism, | 新闻界的哥伦布和麦哲伦 |
William Paley and David Sarnoff, | 威廉·佩里和大卫·沙诺夫 |
went down to Washington to cut a deal with Congress. | 直入华盛顿跟国会谈判 |
Congress would allow the fledgling networks | 国会同意让羽翼未丰的广播电视网 |
free use of taxpayer-owned airwaves | 无偿使用纳税人所有的电视广播 |
in exchange for one public service. | 作为交换他们需履行一项公共服务 |
That public service would be one hour of air time | 即每晚单独拿出一小时 |
set aside every night for informational broadcasting, | 用于信息的报道 |
or what we now call the evening news. | 即如今的晚间新闻 |
Congress, unable to anticipate the enormous capacity | 国会没有预料到电视广告 |
television would have to deliver consumers to advertisers, | 会对消费者产生的巨大影响力 |
failed to include in its deal the one requirement | 没能在协议中加入关键一条 |
that would have changed our national discourse | 从而彻底改变全国话语的面貌 |
immeasurably for the better. | 使之倍加完善 |
Congress forgot to add that under no circumstances | 国会忘记加上无论任何情况 |
could there be paid advertising during informational broadcasting. | 在信息报道中不得出现付费广告 |
They forgot to say that | 他们忘记说 |
taxpayers will give you the airwaves for free | 纳税人可以让你免费使用电视广播 |
and for 23 hours a day you should make a profit, | 一天23小时里你们尽管赚钱 |
but for one hour a night you work for us. | 但每晚一小时你为我们服务 |
And now those network newscasts, | 如今电视网的新闻节目 |
anchored through history by honest-to-God newsmen | 纵观历史那些正直至极的主播 |
with names like Murrow and Reasoner and Huntley and Brinkley | 例如默罗里森纳亨特利布林克利 |
and Buckley andCronkite and Rather and Russert... | 巴克利克朗凯特拉瑟拉瑟特 |
now they have to compete with the likes of me. | 现在他们不得不同我这种人竞争 |
A cable anchor who's in the exact same business as the producers of "Jersey Shore." | 我这种跟《泽西海岸》一个水准的新闻主播 |
And that business was good to us, | 我们靠这样的水准活得好好的 |
but "News Night" Is quitting that business right now. | 但现在《晚间新闻》将摒弃这种水准 |
It might come as a surprise to you | 你可能会大吃一惊 |
that some of history's greatest | 美国史上最伟大的一些 |
American journalists are working right now, | 新闻工作者目前仍然在奋战 |
exceptional minds with years of experience | 凭借其卓越的思想多年的经验 |
and an unshakeable devotion to reporting the news. | 和坚定不移的热忱为大家播报着新闻 |
But these voices are a small minority now | 然而这样的声音已是极少数 |
and they don't stand a chance against the circus when the circus comes to town. | 他们无法与招摇过街的马戏团相抗衡 |
They're overmatched. | 他们势单力薄 |
I'm quitting the circus and switching teams. | 我要退出马戏团改换立场 |
I'm going with the guys who are getting creamed. | 我要加入那些屡战屡败的人 |
I'm moved that they still think they can win | 我被他们屡败屡战的精神所打动 |
and I hope they can teach me a thing or two. | 希望他们能对我指点一二 |
From this moment on, we'll be deciding what goes on our air | 从今以后将由我们来决定播出哪些内容 |
and how it's presented to you | 如何呈现给你们 |
based on the simple truth | 标准只有一条 |
that nothing is more important to a democracy than a well-informed electorate. | 民主社会的第一要素是选民的知情权 |
We'll endeavor to put information in a broader context | 我们将竭力对播报的信息给予全面的背景 |
because we know that very little news is born | 因为当一则新闻刚诞生时 |
at the moment it comes across our wire. | 所包含的信息量极少 |
We'll be the champion of facts | 我们将极力拥护事实 |
完整版请点击 | |
and the mortal enemy of innuendo, speculation, hyperbole, and nonsense. | 杜绝含沙射影空穴来风的报道 |
We're not waiters in a restaurant | 我们不是餐厅的服务员 |
serving you the stories you asked for just the way you like them prepared. | 不会依照你的口味来调整新闻 |
Nor are we computers dispensing only the facts | 我们也不做只会陈述事实的机器 |
because news is only useful in the context of humanity. | 因为新闻只有沾染了人性才有意义 |
I'll make no effort to subdue my personal opinions. | 我将丝毫不隐藏我的个人观点 |
I will make every effort to expose you | 我也会全力向你呈现 |
to informed opinions that are different from my own. | 与我不同但有根据的其它观点 |
You may ask who are we to make these decisions. | 你也许会问我们凭什么决定报道内容 |
We are Mackenzie McHale and myself. | 凭我和麦肯兹·麦克黑尔 |
Miss McHale is our executive producer. | 麦克黑尔小姐是我们的执行制片人 |
She marshals the resources of over 100 reporters, | 她带领着一百多人的团队包括记者 |
producers, analysts, technicians, | 制片人分析师和技术员 |
and her credentials are readily available. | 她的资历随处可以查到 |
I'm "News Night"'s managing editor | 而我则是《晚间新闻》的执行总编 |
and make the final decision on everything seen and heard on this program. | 负责本节目所有内容的最终决策 |
Who are we to make these decisions? | 我们凭什么决定报道内容 |
We're the media elite. | 凭我们是媒体精英 |
We'll be back after this with the news. | 接下来为您带来今晚的新闻 |
It would be accurate to say it started with his on-air apology. | 确切地说一切始于他在直播节目中致歉 |
《晚间新闻》业绩分析 2010年4月至11月 | |
Pardon, it would be accurate to say what started? | 确切地说是什么开始了 |
Was he aware that he went on television | 他知不知道自己在电视直播上说 |
and said everything his network had done up until that point was trash? | 迄今为止这家电视网所做的都是垃圾 |
I think he was fully aware of what he said | 我想他知道自己说了些什么 |
and that he was on television when he said it. | 也知道他说这些话时是在直播 |
He also took responsibility for himself | 他还把责任揽到了自己身上 |
and not the network or the company. | 没有责怪电视网或公司 |
What are we talking about? | 你们到底想说什么 |
You're working late. | 还没下班啊 |
Well, it was either this or go home. | 是啊下班也只能回家 |
- So... - Listen, I was at a bar. | -所以-我刚才在酒吧 |
I saw the show tonight at a bar. | 我是在酒吧里看到这期节目的 |
And I may have been overserved. | 也许我喝多了 |
I'm fine, I'm just... if I say anything... | 我没醉...如果我说错话... |
You want to sit down? | 坐下来说 |
How much did you have to do with writing that opening tonight? | 今晚的开场白多少是你写的 |
It was something Will wanted to do. | 是威尔想要这么做 |
He passed it around. | 他把稿子发给大家 |
I would have loved to have been part of that. | 我其实很乐意加入你们 |
I could have done the show you guys want to do. | 我可以做出你们想要的节目 |
I'm equipped for that. | 我有这能力 |
God, Don, that's... | 老天唐那真是... |
you can. You can. | 你可以的 |
You guys can follow up. | 你们可以跟进报道 |
You can expand, you can rebut. | 详细展开甚至反驳我们 |
I've got a mandate. | 我被下了死命令 |
Bring viewers to 10:00. | 提高10点档的收视率 |
I don't, and they'll try someone else until someone does. | 我若做不到他们会换个能做到的来做 |
I have to cover Natalee Holloway. | 我不得不报道娜塔妮·哈勒维 |
And you guys just set me up to look like an asshole | 我都还没有机会开始 |
before I even got a chance to get started. | 你们就把我弄得像个混蛋 |
- That wasn't... - Oh, no, shut up. | -那不是...-闭嘴 |
That wasn't our intent. | 我们不是故意的 |
And you can insist... | 你可以坚持... |
you can insist on... | 你可以坚持... |
That's what you were reading on your BlackBerry, right? | 原来你昨晚看的是这个 |
Yeah. | 是的 |
I mean, it said "Eyes only," Baby. | 信上写着"内部传阅"宝贝 |
I've got eyes. | 我是外人吗 |
The apology was a Monday. | 致歉的事发生在周一 |
The following Saturday was the Times Square bomb. | 周六就发生了时代广场爆炸案 |
By Tuesday we had all the facts. | 到了周二我们已搜集了足够事实 |
This is the kind of story that makes people want to turn on the news, | 观众最喜欢看这种新闻 |
so you want to take advantage of it. | 当然应该好好利用 |
That's News 101, right? | 这是新闻入门了吧 |
What is this meeting? | 这会议到底是干嘛的 |
Is it News 101? | 这是新闻入门吗 |
To artificially hype the threat of a bomb? | 人为夸大炸弹的威胁 |
You're confusing it with Douchebaggery 101. | 你那是混蛋入门 |
- And the Muslim? - That was a borderline call, | -那穆斯林呢-那是个擦边球 |
but they're qualified to make borderline calls. | 但他们有资格打擦边球 |
- What is this meeting about? - Keep going. | -这到底是什么会议-继续 |
By comparison, CBS had Katie open her show from Times Square | 比较一下CBS台凯蒂以连线时代广场来开场 |
while "News Night" gave it three minutes and 20 seconds. | 而《晚间新闻》只用了3分20秒来报道 |
Basically said there was nothing to worry about | 基本上等于告诉观众不必担心 |
and, as you said, mentioned that one of the people | 并且如你所说提到了报警的民众 |
who notified the police was a Muslim. | 其中一个是个穆斯林 |
That's called squandering an opportunity. | 这是白白浪费了一个好机会 |
These are the important facts. First, it was a lone wolf. | 重要事实如下首先这是个人行动 |
Shahzad was trained in Pakistan, | 沙赫扎德虽然在巴基斯坦受训 |
but he wasn't connected to a terror network. | 但与恐怖组织没有关联 |
Second, the situation was handled by first responders | 第二是由急救先遣队处理了威胁 |
in law enforcement, not an army. | 而不是军队 |
And finally, the system worked. | 最后一点体制奏效了 |
He was taken off the plane by a final check | 在对乘客名单做最后一道检查时 |
of the flight manifest by a US Customs officer. | 案犯被查出并由海关人员带下飞机 |
What about the fact he was allowed on the plane in the first place | 还有个事实他十小时前就上了禁飞名单 |
10 hours after the feds put him on a no-fly list? | 可他还是登上了飞机 |
The airline hadn't updated its files yet, | 航空公司当时还没更新名单 |
which is why Customs and Border Protection does a second check. | 所以海关与边境保护局才会再查一遍 |
- That's the system working. - Three minutes at the top. | -体制确实奏效了-最多三分钟 |
- Will? - Agree. | -威尔-同意 |
You understand we're making a conscious | 你明白我们现在 |
choice now to do the boring version of the story? | 是自己选择要做枯燥的新闻 |
-That's not how I'd put it, but - Great. | -我不会这么说不过...-很好 |
- Mac, there's one more thing. - Yeah? | -麦肯还有一点-什么 |
Everyone's reporting that it was a t-shirt vendor | 所有的报道都说是一个卖T恤的小贩 |
named Lance Orton who spotted the smoking car and called 9-1-1. | 兰斯·奥尔顿看到汽车冒烟后报警 |
- It was. - I know, but it turns out Lance Orton | -没错-但事实上兰斯·奥尔顿 |
was alerted to the smoking car by a photograph vendor | 是受到身边一个拍照小贩的提醒 |
named Aliou Niasse, an immigrant from Senegal. | 他名叫阿利奥·涅瑟是塞内加尔移民 |
Why haven't we heard about this guy? | 我怎么没听说过这人 |
Two possible reasons. One is that he didn't make the call. | 两个可能原因第一不是他打的电话 |
He said... | 他说 |
"I thought I should call 9-1-1, but my English is not very good | "我觉得应该打911但我英语不太好 |
and I had no credit left on my phone. | 而且我手机没钱了 |
So I walked over to Lance who | 所以我就去找兰斯 |
has a t-shirt stall next to mine and told him." | 他的T恤铺子就在我旁边 |
What's the second possible reason we haven't heard about him? | 第二个原因是什么 |
- He's a Muslim. - How'd you get this? | -他是穆斯林-哪来的消息 |
A Pakistani blog. | 一个巴基斯坦人的博客 |
It's not the world's most reliable source. | 这个不太靠谱啊 |
I know, so I confirmed it with the NYPD, and it's true. | 我知道所以我向纽约警方确认过是真的 |
And the "Times of London" has it online. | 泰晤士报已经在网上报道了 |
And I think if the religion of the bomber is important, | 我认为如果说爆炸者的宗教信仰很重要 |
then so's the religion of the guy who saved everyone's life. | 那么救了大家性命的人的宗教信仰同样重要 |
- So do I. - All right. | -我同意-好 |
3:20 at the top. | 最多3分20秒 |
How many viewers did he lose that night? | 他那一晚收视人数降了多少 |
Well, we all know he made enemies that night | 大家也知道那晚的节目已经把 |
out of Fox and right-wing radio. | 福克斯和右翼电台给得罪了 |
- A lot of negative press. - How many viewers did he lose? | -负评不断-收视人数少了多少 |
- People want the most up-to-date information. - They were getting it. | -观众要看的是最新信息-这不是有吗 |
Didn't feel like it when everyone else was saying | 其它媒体都称这是恐怖威胁无疑 |
it's a genuine threat... | 你这就不像是... |
It didn't feel like it? | 不像? |
- How many? - 7%. | -降了多少-7% |
He gave back the gains he made after Northwestern. | 西北大学事件后赚来的优势全没了 |
And that's the kind of thing that would ordinarily scare Will straight. | 通常这情况早把威尔吓死了 |
But it didn't. | 可这次却没有 |
Media Matters think progress. | "媒体重要""思想进步" |
"媒体重要": 激进派媒体 "思想进步": 自由派政治博客 | |
Howard Kurtz and the "Columbia Journalism Review" | 霍华德·库尔兹还有《哥伦比亚新闻评论》 |
霍华德·库尔兹: 很有影响力的记者 《哥伦比亚新闻评论》: 新闻专业杂志 | |
all praised our coverage of the Times Square bomb. | 都对我们的报道大加赞赏 |
Do any of them advertise on our network? | 他们在我们这儿投广告了吗 |
I don't believe they advertise anywhere. | 他们在哪儿都不投广告 |
And by any chance was it around this time | 碰巧又是在这个时候 |
that Will had some kind of epiphany about the Tea Party? | 威尔对茶党突然有了见解 |
The Tea Party isn't what it started out to be. | 茶党已经面目全非了 |
Have you slept? | 你没睡好吧 |
I got up at 2:00 AM and broke down polling data | 我半夜两点起来分析了犹他州 |
from the Republican Senate primary race in Utah. | 共和党参议员初选的民调数据 |
I never heard anyone say that before. | 第一次听说 |
Someone faxed me the polling data. I don't even know who. | 有人把民调结果传真给我了不知道是谁 |