(1)0Bunit4 the little green frog 补充动物部分拓展,unit 8 egg fun 汉语:牙牙学语下第十一单元两只瘦狗抬竹篓 第十二单元 河马宽嘴巴
(2)视频0Bunit8-unit12中文:牙牙学语下7-12单元、《peppa pig 》第一季20-25集
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《peppa pig 》20-25
(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 10 本,绘本《 Does the kangaroo have mother too》,《brown bear what do you see 》《Egg fun 》小书。
汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第十一,十二单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本,小兔汤姆5本、暖暖心5本
(4)重点句型:eggs ,eggs in buckets,eggs in bins ,eggs in baskets ,eggs in tins ,....in...
(5)field trip:公园找彩蛋
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw;
2.3其他《Five little monkey jump on the bed 》《Peppa pig》S01E13 secrets E17 frog and worm and butterflies E3 best friend
3.1英语:unit8 egg fun ,Unit9 turtle and snail unit 10 The firemen unit11 johny johny
3.2汉语:第十一单元两只瘦狗抬竹篓 第十二单元河马宽嘴巴 第十三单元灰毛驴要盖房 第十四单元
3.3 其他《Peppa pig》S01E19My new shose E10 Gardening E28 My cousin chole
5,Game time
5.1 Guess who am I ?
M:this My neck ,this is my ears ,I like eat leaves ,what am I ?
W:Giraffe (This is a giraffe )
M:This is my ears ,my ears is round and small ,I like to eat fish ,What am I ?
M:I like eat honey too !
W:bear (this is a bear )
M: This is my feet ,it's very big ,this is my trunk ,and this is my ears ,my ears very very big like fans ,what am I ? I can stomp stomp stomp.
M:when I borned ,I am a caterpillar ,Now I have pretty swings,I always eat food with my feet .I can fly ,Waht am I ?
M:This is my nose ,this is my earand this is my feet ,I can make the sound oink oink oink ,What am I ?
M:This is my ig tail ,this is my claws ,I like pinecone ,I like nuts .What am I ?
M:Little squirrel 复习一下little squirrel的儿歌
M:I have two long ears ,I like eat carrot ,and I can jump jump jump .What am I
W:carrot ,Bunny
M:Look ,I have a beat ,this is my claws ,上周分级eggs ,复习一下,Mother hen laid some eggs ,crack crack crack ,
W:baby chicks came out (came out 读成and out )
M:I am a tadpole ,when I was young ,Now I have two big eyes ,and four legs ,I can sit on lily pads ,What am I?复习 the little green frog .儿歌
M:this is my eyes ,this is my shell ,I can hide in my shell ,I can be-bop,be-bop ,hide my head well .
M:Really ?mommy think,this is a snail ,this is a snail hide in my shell ,be-bop ,be-bop hide its head well .
5.2 Animals
M:Family time baby ,come here .
M:Here are many animals picture in my hand ?what can you see ?elephant ,cow ,horse ,bunny ...
M:mommy put the pictures in my hand ,and back to you ,you will choose a picture in all ,when you get the picture you have a look ,and tell me ,what it is name?and what does it like to eat ?
M:No peeking
M: Horse make the sound neigh neigh neigh ,and what is it favourite food ?is it meat ?
M:Right ,you are very clever horses is the plant eating animals .go on ,choose next one .
W:monkey ,它喜欢吃香蕉(monkey likes bananas)
M:Yes,right, cows make the sound moo~moo, Do you want to drink some milk ? cows can provide us with milk .cows favourite food is ...
W:草(grass ,cows is the plant eating animals )
今日总结:游戏不是很爱玩,光对着图片,估计觉得没意思,长隆之行要提上日程了,希望到时候field trip 后印象会更深刻。今天换分级,The sidewalk,我刚读两句,大哥就拿起来,自己读完,不过所有的都是读the ,the ,a 不分,不过他能独立读,已经是很惊喜的事情,读了将近两个月的分级, I can see ...这个句型,以及Look at ...句型基本掌握。临睡前看了作业群妈妈分享做复述的视频,瞬间像干了一碗鸡血,认识到自己一直都忽视 retell story 这部分内容,今后学习中改进!