最近喜欢上了咖色,看见好多人穿咖色,很好看,我被迷住了。Recently, I fell in love with coffee color. I saw many people wearing coffee color, which was very beautiful. I was fascinated.
我买了一件咖色内搭,还买了一件咖色羽绒服。I bought a coffee color blouse and a coffee color down jacket.When I put on a beige cardigan with a coffee-colored undershirt, the children said in unison, "Wow, it's beautiful."
当我穿上咖色内搭,外罩一件米白开衫后,孩子们异口同声:“哇,真好看”When I put on a beige cardigan with a coffee-colored undershirt, the children said in unison, "Wow, it's beautiful."
我的穿着是第一次被如此评价,尤其是那个“哇”,顿时让我自信心爆棚。It's the first time that my clothes have been evaluated like this, especially that "wow", which suddenly made my self-confidence burst.
所以,我以后一定要把精心打扮自己当做最重要的事之一。Therefore, I must take dressing myself up as one of the most important things in the future.