Attended Students:3
Attendance Record:
John (30) Eliot (24) Beatrice (30)
Unattended students: 9
Riley (25) Jordane (24) Ethan (14) Camila (8) Atarah (3) Jacob (14) Jaden (14) Bea (9) Alfonso (9)
Cici (sing songs ) Hilde (Catechism) George (Bible Story)
Cici: Game Cici: (Coordinator)
Classroom: Room 304
The content of the class
1:Beginning prayer( We prayed Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory tobe. )
2: Sing songs 《Light a Candle for Peace》
3:Catechism The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism brings rebirth in the Holy Spirit. The first prefiguration of salvation by Baptism in the Bible is Noah's ark.
4: Bible Story Advent
Advent means "Coming". It is the period of time before Christmas. There are four or five candles in the wreath. Purple candles mean sorrow. Pink candle means rejoice.
5: Game ( Nametag Ripping Battle)
We have two teams.