The final stage of P.R.E.P is PRACTISE.(P.R.E.P的最后一步是练习。)
If you want to succeed then you must:(如果你想要成功的话,那你就必须:)
1. Practise, practise, practise your newly acquired interview techniques as often as you can prior to the interview.(在面试之前,尽可能多地练习、练习、再练习你刚刚学会的面试技巧。)
2. Depending on the type of interview you are expecting, and the sort of role you are being interviewed for, then you must PRACTISE answering a range of interview questions.(根据你所料想的面试类型,以及你的应聘角色,务必事先演练一下如何回答各种面试问题。)
Some tips to help you:(以下是一些对你很有帮助的小提示:)
1. Try writing out some questions and model answers.(试着列出一些问题和标准答案。)
2. Even better, use a computer to record everything electronically ( the same sort of questions recur time and time again ).(更好的办法是把所有的信息(反复出现的同一类问题)都录入电脑。)
3.Practise mock interviews with friend, partner, colleague or mentor.(与朋友、伴侣、同事或顾问一起进行模拟面试练习。)
4. If you can't find a partner use a tape recorder or, better still, a video camera to record your mock interviews; time yourself.(如果你找不到搭档,可以用录音机,或者,更好的办法是用摄像机把你的模拟面试情况录制下来;记录你自己所花的时间。)
5. Do not take too long to answer a question, no more than two or three minutes each.(不要花太长的时间来回答一个问题,每个问题不要超过2~3分钟。)
6. For behaviour/competency interviews try to recall as many example of achievements, tasks, projects and occasions where you have excelled at something.(对于行为或素质能力面试,尽可能从记忆中挖掘出更多有关成就、任务、项目方面的实例,以及你出色表现的一些例子。)