adj. if something is transferable, it can be passed or moved from one person or organization to another and used by them.
able to be transferred or made over to another field.
1. Transferable skills are skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful across different areas of life: socially, professionally and at school.
2. Communication skills are highly transferable. If you are a great communicator, you can easily take your skills from one job to another.
3. Mr Giesen, who previously taught in a Berufesschule (vocational school), thinks one reason may be a gap between what vocational students learn at school and what they are expected to do in the workplace. Such schools are being encouraged to work more closely with business and teach more transferable skills.
work more closely with business 与商业紧密结合(合作)
1. 翻译:很多雇主常常会找那些能够展示出通用技能的人。
Many employers often seek/look for candidates who can demonstrate transferable skills. (自己)
Many employers often look for people who can demonstrate a good set of transferable skills. (参考翻译)
分析: a good set of用的好,永远都有自己学习的地方。通用技能集。
2. 生活场景应用
Being good at using excel to process corporate datas has become one of the transferable job skills today.