《Principles》读书笔记 - 精读营 2018/02/13
14 & 15 /Feb 《Principles》Part III - Work Principle Chapter 7 - 9(Page 356-396)
Get the people right
- Chapter 7:Remember That the WHO is More Important than the WHAT
- Chapter 8:Hire Right, Because the Penalties for Hiring Wrong are Huge
- Chapter 9: Constantly Train, Test, Evaluate and Sort People
- Most important decision to make is to who you choose as your responsible parties --- Who bears the consequence of what is done
- Consider from higher levels and design the role, then match the person with the design.
- Pay attention to people's track records
- Don't hire people just to fit the first job they will do; hire people you want to share your life with!
- Values -> Abilities -> Skills
Tough love is both the hardest and most important love to give!
Reading notes / understanding:
- 花了两天读完了Work Principles 第二部分: Get the people right。 其实这些原则不单单可以应用在招聘上,同样也可以应用在生活的很多方面:找朋友、生意伙伴、上课选老师都可以 😝 。
- Track Records 不单单在工作上很重要,生活上也是相当重要的。有一个完美的、正面的信用记录,尤其是现在这么一个信用社会,之前的记录良好的话,别人更容易相信你的能力和人品。所以不管是为了一份好的工作也好,一个更好地生活也好,都需要好好经营自己的记录……
- Values -> Abilities -> Skills 价值观是一个人最靠近内心的做事准则,了解了价值观也就相当于了解了这个人做选择时候的准则 --- Principles一样。 跟别人沟通价值观层面的沟通才是最有效、直接的沟通!
- 选对了人之后要持续的培养人才,但是Ray说最重要是选择之后还要继续的评估,如果发现不合适还是要大胆的去替换掉 --- Tough Love
- 同时评估时候一定要做到准确Accurate,只有准确才能有效,只有有效才能正确!公司、组织才可以发展的更好!