关于中国人的抗争精神,有一个哈佛大学教授曾经这样解读过, “我们的火是上帝赐予的,而中国人的火是自己钻来的;我们遇到大水,躲在了诺亚方舟里,而中国人战胜了洪水;遇到大山挡住了家门,他们想的不是搬家,而是把山搬走”。
这种对中国文化的解读很有趣。但是这位学者只看到了其一, 而不知其二。我们之所以有这种“战天斗地”的精神,是因为我们明“道”。老子说“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗”,说的是要生存就得靠自己,不能靠苍天。在生存环境恶劣的文明初期,我们的祖先从来不把生存的希望寄托于上天的眷顾,勇于抗争,不怕输,更不服输。这是华夏子孙骨子里的精神。
而我们并不是狂妄无知的“战天斗地”。我们的抗争精神建立在“ 天人合一” 之上, 我们的主观能动性建立在对客观规律的了解和运用之上。天降自然灾害, 也降雨露甘霖,这就是所谓的“ 天道无亲”。我们要做到的就是顺应自然,敬畏规律,遵守“道德”,然后永不服输。就如同我的经历一样。很多人也说过我是一个无比强大的女人,似乎能承受任何困难及改变。是的,我的骨子里有一份敢于追求与探索、永不服输的倔强与勇气。
但在追求理想和实现自我价值的道路上,我也曾无数次被鞭打得鲜血淋漓,无数次坠入深渊,陷入灭顶的绝境,很多人包括亲人都看不懂我在折腾什么。其实, 我也曾茫然自失, 心力交瘁。追求理想, 实现自我, 怎么就这么难呢?后来, 直到接触了中国传统文化,尤其是《道德经》,懂得了“道”,境遇才开始一步步好转,也能正确看待我之前因为不懂“道”的种种磨难。“反者,道之动”, 那些经历是在为我明“ 道” 埋下伏笔, 也是为成就我而淬炼心性与品格。
就如同艺术品中我最爱琉璃与钧瓷,美到极致的它们,看上去很脆弱吧?但它们比想象中要坚强,粉碎、化浆、研磨再研磨后, 还要承受 1300 摄氏度的高温, 只为了变得更强, 也为了寻找真正的自我,一定要经过千锤百炼! 明“道” 之后的我, 骨子里那份自带的坚强有了质的改变。就如同处在龙卷风的风眼里, 深深地扎根在那里,跟祖先的抗争精神连结着。在这种力量支持下,不论生命当中遇到什么样的龙卷风,我内在都有一种力量、一种信任、一种如如不动的稳定感。也相信自己,穿越风雨,抵达彼岸, 终将沐浴阳光。
Fighting Spirit
This spirit may be a matter of genetic inheritance. Many people think that I am a strong woman who copes with difficulties easily. Deep in me, there is courage to pursue and explore, while failure is never an option. That came in part from my ancestors. Qualities are passed down—not just eyes and noses.That same fighting spirit was tested when I had so many problems starting my business: Why on earth is this pursuit of a dream so difficult? I was tested countless times and tasted defeat over and over; my family and relatives did not understand what I was fighting for. I was lost and exhausted.
Iater, after I began to read the Book of Changes, I understood the Tao, and my situation took a turn for the better. I developed perspective. The phrase, “Reversion is the action of Tao” describes the working of the universe. Let me take my favorite type of artwork as an example. Colored glazes and Jun porcelain look rather fragile, but they are so much stronger than they appear. To achieve such strength, they must withstand temperatures of over a thousand degrees—after being smashed and ground and blended. We must all undergo such a process of refinement to find who we truly are.We are forged in adversity.