Diffusion(扩散,传播) of Innovations
之前所学习的理论多用于预测健康行为,但如何促进(spread)健康行为(especially new)呢?(No subjective norms,No observational learning)
Diffusion of Innovation Theory(DOI)
Issue Concepts-->Practice:Too long for proven; not implement in other setting; less become routine practice.
· Diffusion:process (an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system).
· Dissemination: Planned, systematic efforts designed to make a program or innovation (more widely available to a target audience or members of a social system).
Diffusion is the direct or indirect outcome of dissemination.
1. Innovation: An idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual.
Factors that influence adoption of an innovation:
· Relative Advantage: an innovation is better
· Compatibility: consistent with the values,experience, and needs of the potential adopters.
· Complexity:
· Triablity:
· Observability:
2. Communication channels
3. Social System:
4. Time
· Innovation-decision process : Knowledge Persuasion Decision Implementation Confirmation
· Innovativeness of an individual: Innovators, Early adopters, Early majority, Late majority, Laggards.
· Rate of adoption: