1.one good turn deserves another 善有善报
Eric: I'm turning 27.
世纪之交 the turn of the century
转折点 turning point
Joining this group has been a turning point to me.
2.pay it back 还钱
1)好借好还,再借不难。Return the borrowed things on time, you'll be welcome next time./ It's easy to borrow again if one returns the borrowed things in time.
How much did you pay for that dress? 一般都要加for pay sb for sth
I paid the bill. 特殊的及物
pay back 还钱
never pays it back 从不归还
3) loan
take out a loan 贷款
can you lend/loan me some money?
lack money 对 用动词 lack of是 名词
5)手头紧 short of money= hard up
6)还可以用broke two broke girl 破产姐妹
7)How's your pay? salary 月 wage 〔按小时、日、周所计的〕工资,薪金;
I have a good /lousy /decent pay
disposable income 可支配收入 take-home pay 税后收入
8) 提到涨工资怎么说 raise 美式 rise英式
9)救急不救贫:简单说可以是 lend money to the need not the poor
百度的不一定准确:One may give financial aid to others in an emergency, but should not do so if they are perennially in need of money.
10)银行有什么职业 ? teller 柜台出纳
ATM 机 automated teller machine
There was a real case I learnt about someone who borrowed huge sums of money from many to speculate in the stock market. He made good profits initially but at some point the market crashed and he lost everything. The repayment dates were looming and the guy simply vanished from his town. After a long time, and after roping support from his family, close friends, powerful members of his community and prominent members of his town he drafted a strategy to repay some amounts. So what was the "repayment strategy" ?
-Guys from whom there was a threat to life and limb would be paid first, in full and with full interest.
-Guys who are not that violent, but who are well connected and can significantly tarnish your reputation would be paid next, in full and with reduced interest.
-Guys who are from the wife's close family, from the same community, and so on would be paid, in full but with no interest.
-All the rest will be asked to go take a hike.
There could be 3 possible reasons that people who borrow money may not want to return it.
-No cost associated with borrowing.If the money was borrowed as a loan then there are mechanisms to ensure that the person does not "forget" repaying it. There are costs involved with missing payments. Fines are imposed, reputations are tarnished, creditworthiness is affected, after a point one may get jailed or even worse get mobbed and beaten when dealing with shady lenders. So it is possible that if there is no cost associated with borrowing there are no checks and balances.
-Borrowing within friends/family.Within families at least it can be observed that people borrow and may not return money within the agreed time. It is possible because things may move on trust. The lender may implicitly trust the borrower to payback eventually in cash or in some other form that everyone agrees on.
-Not caring to repay, plain and simple.Yes, this too happens. Something like this especially in friends/families. This is the worst case and the borrower too eventually ends up in a dead-end when no one trusts and lends money to him/her.
So in short, the borrower's behavior is calibrated by what he/she has got to lose.
2.10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Lend Money to Friends & Family
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” These famous words came from Polonius, Shakespeare’s chief counselor to King Claudius inHamlet. As Polonius gives some fatherly advice to his son Laertes, Shakespeare gives some timeless advice to us: Do not lend money to friends.
Why shouldn’t we lend money to friends and family? Polonius answers that in his next line: “For loan oft loses both itself and friend.” Polonius knew that a loan to a friend or family member often results in the loss of both the money and the relationship.
In fact, loans between family m embers or friends can result in an entirely unexpected set of problems. Consider the following 10 reasons not to lend money to friends and family, and some tips to help you with damage control if you do agree to loan money.
1. Open-ended Loans借给家人朋友的钱,是没有deadline的,因此我们如果要借钱,要设置deadline
2. Loans Are Not a Priority 因为熟悉,所以觉得不着急还你钱。你要给他们一个意识,还你钱也是重要的,就是设置deadline。
3. It’s Difficult to Ask for the Money Back 借出去的难要回来你懂的
4. It Can Make Family Gatherings Awkward 如果你们因为钱而气氛尴尬,可以放轻松,转移话题。
5. The Borrower Becomes a Servant to the Lender 有时候可能借钱方会觉得都要听对方的话,其实这没有必要。
6. The Borrower May Ask for More 想要更多
7. You Enable Instead of Help Your Friend or Family Member 授人以鱼不如授人以渔。比如你朋友是因为不会理财遭遇金钱危机,教授他如何理财、帮助他如何摆脱困境比直接给他钱要好。不然他会以为一旦受挫,也只要向外界求助就可以了。
8. These Types of Loans Don’t Earn Interest 身边的人借款不用利息,但其实你可以设置低利息
9. You Might Need the Money 你自己也会有需要钱的时候
10. You Could Lose Your Money and Relationship
3.喜马拉雅上 好好说话的 马薇薇 有一课教导我们 如何拒绝别人借钱?——不伤和气不伤钱的回绝之道 (搬运网上的一个文本)