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A perennial American question why has gun control failed
From one angle, the answer is complicated;from another, it’s devastatingly simple. Tom McCarthy on the key features of the American gun control debate
perennial lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time长期存在的;常年的;不断发生的;反复的 ~problem
from one angle, …; fromanother
错综复杂 错:交错,交叉;综:合在一起。形容头绪多,情况复杂。《周易·系辞上》
The gunman who killed 59 people and wounded527 in Las Vegas on Sunday night qualified as a “super-owner” – one of the estimated 7.7 million Americans who own between eight and 140 guns.
Little is yet known about Stephen Paddock and his motives. But the apparent ease with which he acquired his arsenal – 42 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition,according to police – has renewed the urgency of a perennial American question:why can’t the United States effect sensible gun control?
Look at Australia, which enacted a ban and mandatory buyback of more than 600,000 long guns following a mass shooting in 1996, effectively ending the problem of mass shootings (already rare) and halving gun deaths. Why can’t the United States do that?
buyback an arrangement in which a business or person sells something, especially shares in companies, and then buys them again according to an agreement(尤指股票的)回购
halve[ T ] to reduce something by half or divide something into two equal pieces使减半;把…二等分;[ I ] If something halves, it is reduced by half.减半
From one angle,the answer is complicated. It involves the powerful gun lobby, political partisanship, the hundreds of millions of gunsalready in US civilian hands, the fact that mass shootings, while horrifying,represent only a sliverof US gundeaths, and a national mythology attached to guns.
gunlobby 游说议员反对管制枪具买卖的人
sliver a very small, thin piece of something, usually broken off something larger碎片,薄片a ~ of
mythology myths in general神话;a popular belief that is probably not true普遍但错误的看法popular ~
From anotherangle, the answer is simple. The United States could, in fact, adopt gun control – if the public felt strongly enough about it. “If public opinion doesnot demand change in Congress, it will not change,” Barack Obama said in June 2014.
A majority of US gun owners – 74% – say the right to own a gun is “essential” to their freedom,according to Pew Research, while only 44% believe that the ease with which people can legally obtain guns contributes at least a fair amount to gun violence. The disagreements only expand from there.
Pew Research 皮尤研究中心
In the wake ofthe most deadly mass shooting in the United States, here are key features ofthe American gun control debate.
How outrage fizzles
Opponents of guncontrol feared new restrictions after the killing of 20 six- andseven-year-olds at Sandy Hook elementary school in December 2012. The national outrage was intense, and legislators who previously were not interested in gun control measures suddenly were.
outrage[ U ] a feeling of anger and shock愤慨,义愤provoke ~ from the public/across the country
fizzle[ I ] mainly US to gradually end逐渐结束;逐渐破灭
义愤填膺 义愤:对违反正义的事情所产生的愤怒;膺:胸。发于正义的愤懑充满胸中。南北朝·江淹《恨赋》
不以为意 不把它放在心上。表示对人、对事抱轻视态度。《三国志·吴书·陆凯传》
Two senators,Democrat Joe Manchin and Republican Pat Toomey, sponsored a bill that would have imposed universal background checks for commercial gun purchases,including at gun shows and over the internet. Eighty-four percent of Americans favor such a law.
But after participating in initial negotiations over the bill, the National Rifle Associationcame out in strong opposition and falsely claimed the bill would lead to a national gun registry.Four Democrats defected, not enough Republicans came onboard and the legislation went down. “The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill,” Obama said in a furious Rose Garden speech.
National Rifle Association美国步枪协会
registry a place where official records are kept登记处,注册处
wilful(of something bad) done intentionally or (of a person) determined to do exactly
as you want, even if you know it is wrong故意的;任性的;固执的
混淆是非 混淆:使界限不清。故意把正确的说成错误的,把错误的说成正确的。清·陶曾佑《论文学之势力及其关系》