
L4-U2-P2-1 Listening: Point of View 1 立场

This man is holding a piece of fruit in his hand. 这个人手里拿着一块水果。

The piece of fruit is either an orange or an apple. 这块水果不是桔子就是苹果。

We can’t see which it is because we can’t see inside the box. 我们看不到它是什么,因为我们看不到盒子里面。

The probability that it is an orange is equal to the probability that it is an apple. 它是桔子的概率等于它是苹果的概率。

It may be an apple and it may be an orange. 它可能是苹果,也可能是桔子。

It’s got to be one or the other. 一定是这样或那样。

It can’t be anything else. 不可能是别的。

Now let’s look at it from the man’s point of view. 现在让我们从男人的角度来看。

From his point of view, the probabilities are different. 从他的观点来看,可能性是不同的。

From his point of view, the probability that he has an orange is 100% or 0%.从他的观点来看,他有一个橘子的概率是100%或0%。

That’s because he knows what he has. 那是因为他知道自己有什么。

For him, there is no uncertainly. 对他来说,没有什么是不确定的。

If he has an orange, the probability is 100%.如果他有一个桔子,概率是100%

If he doesn’t have an orange, the probability is 0%.如果他没有桔子,概率是0。

He either has it, or he doesn’t. 他要么有,要么没有。

From our point of view, the probability that he has an orange is 50%.从我们的角度来看,他有一个桔子的概率是50%

From his point of view, the probability that he has an orange is 100% or 0%.从他的角度来看,他有一个桔子的概率是100%或0%

So the probability depends on your point of view. 所以概率取决于你的角度。

The probability depends on your point of view, or how much you know. 概率取决于你的看法,或者你知道多少。

L4-U2-P2-2 Listening: Point of View2

People see things from different points of view. 人们从不同的角度看事情。

This often leads to arguments between people. 这常常导致人们之间的争论。

Here are some examples. 这里有一些例子。

From this man’s point of view, he is relaxing. 从这个人的角度来看,他是在放松。

He needs to relax because he has been working too hard. 他工作太辛苦了,需要放松一下。

He hasn’t been getting enough sleep. 他一直睡眠不足。

His wife sees things differently. 他的妻子却有不同的看法。

She isn’t aware of how hard he has been working. 她不知道他工作有多努力。

From her point of view, he is doing nothing. 在她看来,他什么也不做。

However, she knows what needs to be done around the house. 然而,她知道房子周围需要做什么。

It isn’t fair that she has to work while he does nothing. 她不得不做而他什么也不做,这是不公平的。

When people see things from different points of view, they often come to different conclusions. 当人们从不同的角度看待事物时,往往会得出不同的结论。

These differences can cause real communication problems. 这些差异会导致真正的沟通问题。

People often argue with each other because they see things from a different point of view. 人们经常互相争论,因为他们从不同的角度看问题。

L4-U2-P2-3 Vocabulary: Disasters灾难

Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the earth.地震是地球深处的力量引起的

When the earth shakes, buildings can collapse, and people can be buried inside. 当地球震动时,建筑物可能倒塌,人们可能被埋在里面。

An explosion is a rapid, violent, release of energy.爆炸是一种快速,猛烈的能量释放。

Explosions can be caused by chemical reactions, such as inside an engine. 爆炸可能由化学反应引起,比如发动机内部的化学反应。

A spark can ignite mixture of gases, and release energy for good or destructive purposes. 火花可以点燃混合气体,并释放能量以达到好的或破坏性的目的。

Accidents are often caused by people doing foolish things, or by not being careful. 事故经常是由人们做蠢事,或不小心引起的。

One major cause of accidents is driving too fast. 交通事故的一个主要原因是开车太快。

Accidents with fire can be very serious and can result in very painful injuries. 火灾事故可能非常严重,可能导致非常痛苦的伤害。

Epidemics are the rapid spread of diseased such as the flue or Ebola. 流行病是指如流感或埃博拉等疾病的迅速传播。

Throughout history, epidemics have killed millions of people. 纵观历史,流行病夺去了数百万人的生命。

Storms are caused by changes in the atmosphere, results in high winds and heavy rains. 风暴是由大气变化引起的,导致强风和暴雨。

Thunderstorms are caused by electric charges in the atmosphere that produce lighting, which can cause forest fires. 雷暴是由大气中产生闪电的电荷引起的,闪电可以引起森林火灾。

Some storms cause flooding, and major damage to homes and cities. 一些风暴造成洪水,并对房屋和城市造成重大破坏。

To reduce the danger of an explosion, it’s important to prevent gas leaks inside the home. 为了减少爆炸的危险,防止家里煤气泄漏是很重要的。

Many forest fires are caused by lightning. 许多森林火灾是由闪电引起的。

Epidemics have killed more people than all wars and natural disasters. 流行病造成的死亡人数超过了所有战争和自然灾害。

L4-U2-P2-4 Vocabulary:Religions

Followers of the Islam religion are called Moslems. 

These Moslems are praying inside mosque. 

Moslems are called to prayer five times a day, beginning just before sunrise. 

Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lived more than 2000 years ago. 

Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God. 

Christians often gather in churches or cathedrals to worship. 

Followers of  Judaism are somewhere called Jews. 

These Jews are meeting inside synagogue, which is a place of worship and study. 

Judaism was founded over 3500 years ago, in the Middle East. 

Judaism is based on the teachings of Moses, who they believe is the most important prophet. 

Buddhism began in India and is based on the teachings of the Buddha. 

The religion is about 2500 years old.

Some Buddhists practice a form of the meditation in which they empty their mind of any thought. 

Hinduism is the world’s third most popular religion and is the main religion of India. 

Hinduism has no founder and is the mixture of many beliefs.

Some Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. 

Jews believe that Moses is the most important prophet. 

L4-U2-P1-5 Dialogue: Missing Aircraft失踪的飞机

W: Do you have any more information about the location of the missing aircraft? 你有关于失踪飞机位置的更多信息吗?

M: No, we don’t. The only information we have is that it disappeared. 没有。我们唯一的信息就是它消失了。

W: What about the last communication with the aircraft? 最后一次和飞机的通讯呢?

M: The last communication was about 15 minutes before it disappeared. 最后一次通讯在消失前大约15分钟。

W: Was there anything unusual in the communication? 沟通中有什么不寻常的地方吗?

M: No, there wasn’t anything unusual. 不,没有什么不寻常的。没有任何问题。

Nothing pointed to any kind of problem. 没有任何迹象表明有任何问题。

W: Anyway, we are confident that we’ll find it. 不管怎样,我们有信心能找到它。

It’s a large aircraft so it shouldn’t be difficult to find.这是一架大飞机,应该不难找到。

M: How many countries are helping with the search? 有多少国家在协助搜寻?

W: Right now we have search teams from 3 countries starting the search. 现在我们有3个国家的搜索小组开始搜索。

M: It’s a big area to search, so can you give us an estimate about how long it will take? 这是一个很大的搜索区域,所以你能给我们估计需要多长时间吗?

W: Yes, it’s a big area, so it might take a long time. 是的,这是一个很大的区域,所以可能需要很长时间。

But we won’t give up. 但我们不会放弃。

We’ll search until we find it.我们会一直搜索直到找到它。

(They plan to search for it until they find it.他们计划一直寻找,直到找到为止。)

M1: Have they found the wreckage yet? 他们找到残骸了吗?

M2: What are you talking about? 你在说什么?

M1: You know, the airplane that disappeared last year. 你知道的,就是去年失踪的那架飞机。

M2: Oh yes. Now I know what’s you’re referring to. 噢是的。现在我知道你在说什么了。

Yes, they found some pieces of it.是的,他们找到了一些碎片。

(They’ve found some pieces of the wreckage. 他们发现了一些残骸。)

M1: What about the black boxes? 黑匣子呢?

M2: No, they still haven’t found the black boxes. 他们还没有找到黑匣子。

M1: It’s hard to believe they still don’t know what happened. 很难相信他们还不知道发生了什么。

M2: Perhaps they’ll never know, especially if they don’t find the black boxes. 也许他们永远也不会知道,尤其是如果他们找不到黑盒的话。

M1: Whatever happen to it, there is no good reason why a modern airline is allowed to disappear. 无论发生什么,现代航空公司都没有理由消失。

M2: I agree with you.我同意你的看法。


L4-U2-P2-6 Grammar

L4-U2-P2-7 Speaking

L4-U2-P2-8 Matching

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